Costs of long-term care: ‘Financial ruin is baked into the system’

03/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Costs of long-term care: ‘Financial ruin is baked into the system’ 
KFF Health News, by Jordan Rau and Reed Abelson; 3/9/24 
Thousands of readers reacted to the articles in the “Dying Broke” series about the financial burden of long-term care in the United States. They offered their assessments for the government and market failures that have drained the lifetime savings of so many American families. And some offered possible solutions. In more than 4,200 comments, readers shared their struggles in caring for spouses, older parents, and grandparents. They expressed anxieties about getting older themselves and needing help to stay at home or in institutions like nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

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