Voices of Grief to host workshops for families victimized by funeral home

03/19/24 at 03:00 AM

Voices of Grief to host workshops for families victimized by funeral home 
Pikes Peak Courier, by Pat Hill; 3/18/24 
In October, investigators with the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office discovered 200 bodies that had not been cremated but rather were improperly stored, many of them for four years. The owners, Jon and Carie Hallford, have been arrested and face 200 felony charges. Of 1,200 families affected, 190 of them were directly impacted. ... [Kathy] Sparnins, [filmmaker and producer of the documentary “Voices of Grief,”] who lives in Woodland Park, was recently contacted by the FBI Victim Advocacy Program to work the families whose deceased loved ones were taken to Return to Nature Funeral Home in Penrose.

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