For-profit nursing home owners rebut report that left few untarnished

03/20/24 at 02:00 AM

For-profit nursing home owners rebut report that left few untarnished 
McKnights Long-Term Care, by Kimberly Marselas; 3/18/24 
A brutal takedown of private nursing home ownership published last week included both pointed and widespread attacks on the role of for-profit companies in the sector, adding to stakeholders’ fears that negative characterizations will stymie much-needed future investment. ... However, what the article failed to highlight, providers and their representatives pointed out to McKnight’s Long-Term Care News Friday, are the investments many for-profits providers are pouring into quality and innovation efforts in a field with historically low margins — margins that they said dried up during the pandemic’s crisis days.
Editor's Note: See the original article that this article rebuts (above this post), "For-profit nursing homes are cutting corners on safety and draining resources with financial shenanigans - especially at midsize chains that dodge public scrutiny."

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