A whistleblower lawsuit cost ChristianaCare $47M. Why are whistleblower cases increasing?

03/06/24 at 03:00 AM

A whistleblower lawsuit cost ChristianaCare $47M. Why are whistleblower cases increasing? 
Delaware Online, by Esteban Parra and Xerxes Wilson; 3/4/24
A former medical director specializing in neurosurgery at southern Delaware’s largest health care provider claims in a lawsuit that Bayhealth Medical Center misclassified “brain-dead” patients in order to overbill for services. ... [The whistleblower reported that] hospital officials discussed a "new hospital initiative" in which suspected "brain-dead" patients would be discharged and admitted to hospice before any declaration of brain death, according to the lawsuit. The scheme allowed for prolonged billing where previous billing ended with the patient’s death, the complaint states. [Please refer to the article for details.]

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