I work with dying Trump supporters. It's ... confusing

04/14/24 at 03:25 AM

I work with dying Trump supporters. It's ... confusing
Daily Kos, by Scott Janssen; 4/6/24
I’m driving down a gravel road in rural North Carolina, looking at mailbox numbers. A hospice social worker, I’m headed to meet Petey, a patient dying of metastatic cancer. ...  A few homes down I see a ranch style house with a Trump flag hanging limp from what looks like a homemade flagpole. ...
Publisher's Note: In our advocacy, we often say "death and hospice are bipartisan." This (inflammatory) opinion piece challenges us to ethically wrestle with our biases (political or otherwise) to professionally provide excellent end-of-life care to all the people we have the privilege to serve.
Editor's Note: In day-to-day care--no matter political, religious, or other beliefs--what
 can you support, within the appropriate scope of your professional role? What is untenable; you cannot support? Examine the term "moral distress." 

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