Support mounts for increased hospice accreditor oversight

04/24/24 at 02:00 AM

Support mounts for increased hospice accreditor oversight
Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 4/16/24
Calls are growing louder in support of increased accreditation organization oversight that could help curb fraudulent activity in the hospice space. In a proposed rule released in February the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced a number of provisions aimed at addressing conflicts of interest and establishing more consistent standards, processes and definitions among accreditation entities. The proposed increased oversight would be an important step forward in addressing instances of fraud, waste and abuse in hospice, according to members of the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association (CHAPCA). Regulatory changes such as these would be particularly significant in detecting maleficence in regions like California, which have a rise in program integrity challenges, the organization stated in a recent letter to Congress shared with Hospice News.
Notable mentions: Sheila Clark, California Hospice and Palliative Care Association.

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