Death with dignity or slippery slope? [NH] Senate committee hears end-of-life bill testimony
Death with dignity or slippery slope? [NH] Senate committee hears end-of-life bill testimony
Seacoastline, Portsmouth (NH); by Margie Cullen; 4/25/24
... The bill has sparked passions as it has made its way through the New Hampshire Legislature. It passed the House in March by just three votes. The hearing Wednesday was its first in the Senate and is likely to be its last public hearing before going to the Senate floor for a vote. The committee did not vote on whether to recommend the bill Wednesday. The bill has transcended typical party lines, with both Democrats and Republicans voting for and against the bill in the House. On Wednesday, Smith was joined by Rep. Bob Lynn, R-Windham, a cosponsor of the bill, in introducing it to the Senate committee.