How’s Your Soul?

04/07/24 at 03:30 AM

How’s Your Soul? 
JAMA Network, by Daivd Vermette, MD, MBA, MHS; 3/28/24 
"Brother David, how’s your soul?” The question took me by surprise. It was time for my first advisement meeting with my residency program director. In medicine, the machine runs on competence and achievement of “milestones.” Yet, as I braced for a meeting to trudge through performance evaluations and in-training exam scores, I awoke to humanity. ... Medical education has numerous models for coaching, advising, and mentoring. While these models helped develop my professional life, they missed the fundamental core of who I am: a human being. Perhaps instead we could embrace a model in medical education built on the tenets of pastoral care. ...

  • Healing ...
  • Sustaining ...
  • Guiding ...
  • Reconciliing ...
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