Meet the death doulas who bring comfort to people at the end of their lives

05/10/24 at 03:00 AM

Meet the death doulas who bring comfort to people at the end of their lives 
Fortune Well; by Liz Seegert; 5/7/24
... “The essence of doula care is to provide non-judgmental support and guidance to individuals and families through times of critical, transformative life change,” according to the National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA), a member-based nonprofit that offers trainings and directories. Their role complements that of other services, such as hospice or palliative care, with physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical support. That can include holding someone’s hand or listening as a patient reminisces, or simply being a calming presence during the dying process. On the practical side, a doula might help the patient draft advance directives or family members with tasks like care coordination, vigil planning, respite care, and bereavement support. 

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