Utah man angry: "Why am I still alive?"

05/13/24 at 02:45 AM

Utah man angry: "Why am I still alive?" 
Cat Country 107.3/94.9; by Andy Griffin; 5/10/24 
George Ball (not his real name) is angry. He's dying soon, he knows that. But what he's really mad about is that he's still alive. "I signed the paper. I made the request," he said. "So, why am I still alive?" ... The 72-year-old Utahn recently had a heart attack (cardiac arrest), and was essentially dead for a few minutes before being resuscitated at a Utah hospital. Life-saving measures were taken, including shooting adrenaline into his heart. He was gone, but they brought him back. Happy ending, right? The only problem was, Ball had signed and certified a DNR -- a do not resuscitate order -- so that if he, well, died, heroic measures would not be taken to bring him back to life. ...

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