End-of-life doulas’ growing value proposition in hospice

05/16/24 at 03:00 AM

End-of-life doulas’ growing value proposition in hospice 
Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 5/14/24 
Hospices and other health care providers are increasingly recognizing the value proposition of end-of-life doulas. Organizations are taking varied routes to leverage doula’s skills to improve quality. End-of-life doulas support patients and their families in a number of broad and diverse ways, according to Erin Collins, program director of The Peaceful Presence Project. Collins is also a certified hospice and palliative care nurse and end-of-life doula. She serves as vice-chair of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) End-of-Life Doula Advisory Council. 
Editor's Note: Caution. What training, professional experience, credentials, referrals, and other qualifications does the individual, end-of-life care doula bring? Not bring? What gaps in your services (for which a doula might be called) indicate that your organization needs to "step up" your community education, caregiver/family resources, psychosocial support, and volunteer presence?

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