Telehealth is far from dead, says Providence’s Virtual Care Chief

05/23/24 at 03:00 AM

Telehealth is far from dead, says Providence’s Virtual Care Chief
MedCity News; by Katie Adams; 5/15/24
This year has been a messy one for virtual care companies, but that doesn’t mean that telehealth is dead, according to Eve Cunningham, Providence’s chief of virtual care and digital health. In her view, virtual care can definitely still be an important part of the care delivery model — but only if it is embedded into the greater healthcare delivery ecosystem. This year hasn’t been a great one for virtual care companies. Optum shuttered its virtual care unit in April, Walmart closed its virtual care offering (as well as its entire healthcare unit) in May, and two of the country’s largest telehealth providers - Teladoc Health and Amwell - have both enacted major rounds of layoffs this year. But this doesn’t mean telehealth is dead, said Eve Cunningham, chief of virtual care and digital health at Providence, during a Tuesday interview at the Reuters Digital Health conference in San Diego.

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