Hospice staff cycle more than 300 miles to work

06/17/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice staff cycle more than 300 miles to work 
VNExplorer - bbc.com; 6/13/24 
Hospice staff have collectively cycled more than 300 miles this week to raise money for their place of work. Seven St Margaret's Hospice employees cycled to work on Tuesday morning to mark Bike Week. ... The group raised £1,000 for the Taunton hospice, which they say could pay for 24 hours of expert specialist care on its inpatient unit, with donations still coming in. ... The idea for the challenge began with senior IT technician, Jack Gorman, whose colleagues had been encouraging him to cycle to work more often. Tom White, head of business intelligence, challenged Mr. Gorman that if he cycled to and from work - a 50-mile commute to work and back - then Mr. White would cycle in from his Barnstaple home, a round trip of 100 miles. ...
Editor's Note: Does this spark ideas for your organization, especially for your office-based staff? Take this and adapt it to a fun, practical, revenue-generating, relationship-building activity for your organization. 

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