Spirituality as a determinant of health: Emerging policies, practices, and systems

06/25/24 at 03:00 AM

Spirituality as a determinant of health: Emerging policies, practices, and systems
Health Affairs; by Katelyn N. G. Long, Xavier Symons, Tyler J. VanderWeele, Tracy A. Balboni, David H. Rosmarin, Christina Puchalski, Teresa Cutts, Gary R. Gunderson, Ellen Idler, Doug Oman, Michael J. Balboni, Laura S. Tuach, Howard K. Koh; 6/24
Reimagining public health’s future should include explicitly considering spirituality as a social determinant of health that is linked to human goods and is deeply valued by people and their communities. Spirituality includes a sense of ultimate meaning, purpose, transcendence, and connectedness. With that end in mind, we assessed how recommendations recently issued by an expert panel for integrating spiritual factors into public health and medicine are being adopted in current practice in the United States.

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