How do enrollees feel about support in big hospices? - The caregiver experience of emotional, spiritual, and bereavement support by profit status among large US providers

06/29/24 at 03:00 AM

How do enrollees feel about support in big hospices? - The caregiver experience of emotional, spiritual, and bereavement support by profit status among large US providers
Palliative and Supportive Care; by Jason T Hotchkiss, Emily Ridderman, Brendan T Hotchkiss; 4/24
Recent findings narrate profiteering detrimentally impacting hospice care quality. However, no study has examined the caregiver experience of emotional and spiritual support expressed online. The purpose was to evaluate the hospice caregiver's experience of emotional, spiritual, and bereavement support and whether the care was respectful and compassionate to the care unit. ... Compassionate professionals were thanked and praised regardless of profit status. Sadly, anger was expressed toward large, for-profits more fixated on census than emotional, spiritual, and bereavement support; thankfully nonprofits were more supportive.

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