The two phases of hospice - Declining Phase and Terminal Phase

06/29/24 at 03:15 AM

The two phases of hospice - Declining Phase and Terminal Phase
Journal of Palliative Medicine; by Roy Zagieboylo, MD; 6/24
I propose that hospice care should be identified as Declining Phase or Terminal Phase hospice care. ... In the Declining Phase, patients will usually have a gradual deterioration in function requiring more and more care. ... As many patients progress and their bodies fail, they may enter the Terminal Phase of hospice care. This phase is identified by the patient and family and is that time when the quality of life is so poor, there is no goal to increase the number of days alive. ... If, upon referral to hospice, a doctor was routinely asked “Is this a Declining Phase or Terminal Phase referral?” it would encourage discussion, education, and possibly a better understanding of the full scope of hospice care. If the nomenclature became widespread, it would also help patients and families better understand, appreciate, and accept earlier hospice referrals.

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