Hospice CARES Act would update medical reviews, seek to reduce audits

07/21/24 at 03:50 AM

Hospice CARES Act would update medical reviews, seek to reduce audits 
Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 7/12/24 
The forthcoming Hospice Care Accountability, Reform and Enforcement (Hospice CARE) Act from U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenaur (D-Oregon), if enacted, would implement a number of changes to medical review processes. ... Though the bill language is still in development, it will likely contain proposed updates to payment mechanisms for high-acuity palliative services, changes to the per-diem payment process and actions to improve quality and combat fraud. The bill would also implement a temporary, national moratorium on the enrollment of new hospices into Medicare, to help stem the tide of fraudulent activities among recently established providers concentrated primarily in California, Arizona, Texas and Nevada. ... Among the anticipated provisions of the bill would be an item requiring the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to use documentation in a patient’s medical record as supporting material. The documentation would include the reasons that an attending physician certified a patient for hospice and establish a six-month terminal prognosis.

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