Empath Health, American Health Plans launch ISNP joint venture

08/11/24 at 03:30 AM

Empath Health, American Health Plans launch ISNP joint venture
Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 8/6/24
The nonprofit senior care provider Empath Health is partnering with the Medicare Advantage organization American Health Plans (AHP), a division of American Health Partners to serve patients who are enrolled in Institutional Special Needs Plans (ISNP). ISNPs are Medicare Advantage plans that are designed to serve beneficiaries who live in skilled nursing facilities. Through the Empath partnership, members of AHP’s American Health Advantage of Florida ISNP will receive interdisciplinary services from TruHealth of Florida, the clinical arm of the ISNP. TruHealth is a newly established joint venture between AHP and Empath. Patients will also have access to Empath Health’s “full-life care” model.
Notable mentions: Jonathan Fleece, Empath Health CEO.

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