Empath Health, Trustbridge leaders are setting home health sights high after integration

08/04/24 at 03:15 AM

Empath Health, Trustbridge leaders are setting home health sights high after integration 
Home Health Care News; by Joyce Famakinwa; 7/26/24 
Empath Health is a company in transition. In the spring, it completed an affiliation process with Trustbridge, which formed the largest nonprofit post-acute provider organization in the state of Florida. ... Since completion of the affiliation process, the company has focused on integration, synergistic opportunities and determining how best to deliver care to the communities it serves. One of the people at the helm of this transition is Tarrah Lowry, Empath Health’s chief operating officer and Trustbridge’s interim president. [Click on the title's link to read the recent interview by Home Health Care News' with Tarrah Lowry.]

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