Hospices build community partnerships to better serve patients, employees

08/04/24 at 03:55 AM

Hospices build community partnerships to better serve patients, employees 
Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 7/29/24 
Hospice care does not occur in a vacuum, and many operators find themselves building partnerships with other community organizations to better serve patients and support their staff. Providers work with other institutions to provide general inpatient and respite care, address social determinants of health and improve health equity, among other initiatives. Some also partner with medical and nursing schools to ensure students in health care fields gain exposure to hospice and palliative care principles. 
Notable Mentions: Skelly Wingard, CEO of By the Bay Health; Mary Shankster, Chief Development Officer at Stillwater Hospice; Altonia Garrett, COO of Blue Ridge Hospice

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