Hospices strategize sustainable growth for Veteran Programs

08/04/24 at 03:35 AM

Hospices strategize sustainable growth for Veteran Programs 
Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 7/26/24 
Hospices combat both operational and financial challenges as they seek to grow and evolve their veteran programs around the diverse and complex needs of patients and their families. Some of the largest expenses associated with offering veteran services include staffing and training costs ... In addition to staff training, this includes having ways to honor veterans for their service, assess the social determinant of health resources they may need and identify gaps of caregiver support. ... Forming community collaborations with organizations such as We Honor Veterans [NHPCO], Wounded Warriors or the Veteran Affairs’ (VA) Pet Partners therapy program can be beneficial to having a more inclusive care delivery approach.
Editor's Note: Notable mentions include Carlos Graveran, executive director at Maryland-based Frederick Health Hospice; Sherri Bickley, vice president of patient support services at Oklahoma-based Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care; and Carla Creegan, PACE director of clinical services and director of adult day swervices at Empath Health.

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