Guidelines for evaluating, diagnosing, and disclosing dementia published by Alzheimer’s Association

01/19/25 at 03:35 AM

Guidelines for evaluating, diagnosing, and disclosing dementia published by Alzheimer’s Association 
Practical Neurology; 1/14/25 
The Diagnostic Evaluation, Testing, Counseling, and Disclosure Clinical Practice Guideline (DETeCD-ADRD CPG) Workgroup, convened and funded by the Alzheimer’s Association, has developed new recommendations for clinicians to use when evaluating patients with possible Alzheimer disease (AD) or AD and related dementias (ADRD). An executive summary of the recommendations for use in primary care and other practice settings was published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, along with a companion article summarizing specific guidance for specialists. The Workgroup included representatives from  primary, specialty, subspecialty, long-term, and palliative care disciplines as well as the fields of health economics and bioethics.  
Editor's note: Click for open access to the Alzheimer's Association clinical practice guidelines ..., executive summary of recommendations for primary care. 

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