Advance care planning among diverse U.S. older adults with varied cognition levels

01/26/25 at 03:45 AM

Advance care planning among diverse U.S. older adults with varied cognition levels
Alzheimer's & Dementia; by Zahra Rahemi, Swann Arp Adams; 1/25
Older adults from minority groups often experience elevated rates of chronic diseases and cognitive impairment, coupled with lower rates of engagement in advance care planning (ACP) and comfort care as they approach end of life... Our study revealed that individuals facing cognitive impairments exhibited lower rates of engagement in ACP. Notably, among the variables examined, race, ethnicity, rural residence, education, and age emerged as significant predictors of ACP in a national sample of older adults in the U.S. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating these sociodemographic factors into the design of interventional studies aimed at enhancing ACP and mitigating disparities.

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