Cannabidiol for scan-related anxiety in women with advanced breast cancer - A randomized clinical trial

01/05/25 at 03:40 AM

Cannabidiol for scan-related anxiety in women with advanced breast cancer - A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Network Open; Manan M. Nayak, PhD, MA; Peter Chai, MD; Paul J. Catalano, ScD; William F. Pirl, MD, MPH; James A. Tulsky, MD; Stephanie C. Tung, MD; Nancy U. Lin, MD; Nicole Andrade, BA; Sabrina Johns, MPH; Clint Vaz, MD; Melissa Hughes, MSc; Ilana M. Braun, MD; 12/24
The findings of this randomized clinical trial show that CBD [cannabidiol] can be used safely in women with advanced breast cancer and clinical anxiety. Although the study did not meet its primary end point comparing preingestion vs postingestion anxiety change scores between study arms, anxiety levels in the CBD arm were significantly lower 2 to 4 hours after ingestion, suggesting a possible anxiolytic effect and warranting further investigation. 

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