Over 80% of healthcare cost in the final year of life spent on hospitals

02/07/25 at 03:00 AM

Over 80% of healthcare cost in the final year of life spent on hospitals
Nuffield Trust press release; 2/5/25
[UK] New research from the Nuffield Trust and the Health Economics Unit, commissioned by leading end of life charity Marie Curie, finds that UK public expenditure for people in the last year of life across healthcare, social care and social security is in the region of £22 billion. Over half (53%) of this public spending in the final year of life is spent on healthcare. Hospital care represents the largest share of healthcare spending, accounting for 81% of total healthcare spend. More than half of this healthcare spend (56%) goes on emergency hospital care... In contrast, public spending on primary and community healthcare makes up only 11% of health expenditure for people in the last year of life, with less than 4% spent on hospice care.

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