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All posts tagged with “Hospice Provider News | Operations News | Challenges.”

Top Projects of 2023: Our Lady of Peace

07/22/24 at 03:15 AM

Top Projects of 2023: Our Lady of Peace Finance & Commerce, Minnesota Business; by Kate Leibsle; 7/19/24 Jamey Flannery and her team at Flannery Construction took seriously their obligation not just to their client, Our Lady of Peace, but to the patients, their families, and staff to make the construction project at the hospice center as smooth and transparent as possible. Limiting disruptions when you are renovating or adding on to an existing, occupied building is always important, but when the facility you are working on is a hospice center, it becomes paramount. ... The project turned the facility’s 21 double-occupancy rooms into private suites. Each room now is big enough for family and friends to gather in a living area, have a TV and offer more privacy, Flannery said.

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Bereaved families face ‘devastating’ impacts of hospice fraud

07/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Bereaved families face ‘devastating’ impacts of hospice fraud Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 7/16/24 Fraudulent activity in the hospice space may be leaving some families without sufficient bereavement support. Fraudulent hospice schemes can take a tremendous toll on families that have lost loved ones who received poor or negligent end-of-life care, according to Cheryl Kraus, director of government affairs and policy at the Hospice & Palliative Care Association of New York State (HPCANYS). ... “It’s tragic if you’re already grieving the loss of a loved one to have your suspicions confirmed that they did not receive the level of care that they were entitled to because of bad actors in the hospice space,” Kraus said. “It just shocks the conscience what these fraudulent hospices are doing to people. It’s going to take a long time to restore not just the individuals’ trust who have experienced this firsthand, but also the public’s.” 

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Heart to Heart Hospice House continues patient service despite power outages, adverse effects from Hurricane Beryl

07/18/24 at 02:15 AM

Heart to Heart Hospice House continues patient service despite power outages, adverse effects from Hurricane Beryl Cision PRWeb; by Heart to Heart Hospice; 7/16/24 Heart to Heart Hospice, which operates five locations in the Houston area, was among the many healthcare providers severely impacted when Hurricane Beryl made landfall along the Texas coast last week. All the Heart to Heart Hospice sites lost electrical power, as well as internet and cellular-based communications service. ... Immediately following the storm, the Heart to Heart and Proveer teams began working together to quickly restore emergency generator power, helping to ensure that patients and residents received care during the power outages and that all basic, needs-based functions continued uninterrupted. "It has been amazing to see the level of collaboration, compassion, and commitment from these teams that has allowed us to continue serving patients and families across the entire Houston area," said Nick Robinson, Heart to Heart Hospice's Regional Vice President of Operations.

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NAHC-NHPCO Alliance comments on Hospice CARE Act

07/18/24 at 02:00 AM

NAHC-NHPCO Alliance comments on Hospice CARE Act HomeCare; 7/16/24 The NAHC-NHPCO Alliance submitted a comment letter to the office of Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) on the discussion draft of the Hospice Care Accountability, Reform, and Enforcement Act (Hospice CARE Act), along with an overview and section-by-section summary. The Hospice CARE Act focuses on hospice payment reform and program integrity. The two trade organizations said they have worked closely with Blumenauer for years on these issues and are committed to continuing the dialogue to secure optimal outcomes for hospice providers and the continued delivery of quality care for patients and their families.

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Streamlining financial processes in end-of-life care: The crucial role of revenue cycle management for hospices

07/17/24 at 03:00 AM

Streamlining financial processes in end-of-life care: The crucial role of revenue cycle management for hospices United Business Journal - UBJ; by Rahul Kumar; 7/16/24In the increasingly complex healthcare landscape, hospices face unique challenges in managing their financial processes. One crucial aspect that significantly impacts their efficiency and sustainability is Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) for hospices. This blog post aims to shed light on the essential role of RCM for hospices in streamlining financial operations, ensuring they can continue to provide compassionate and high-quality end-of-life care.

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Wellsboro's hospice home closes

07/16/24 at 03:00 AM

Wellsboro's hospice home closes Gazette, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania; 7/12/24 After 25 years of providing a home for the dying, The Samaritan House, a mission project of St. Peter’s Church in Wellsboro [PA], has closed. For the past two years, the steering committee has tried to increase its volunteer base, raise funds, complete clearances and maintain the house. Despite meeting many goals and continuing to receive referrals, Samaritan House can no longer welcome guests because it can’t sustain a schedule. The Samaritan House ministry has welcomed guests and families from diverse faiths and backgrounds and cared for them with compassion and dignity for 25 years. Many of the volunteers have made friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

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Top news stories of the month, June 2024 (

07/12/24 at 02:00 AM

Top News Stories Of The Month, June 2024 (

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10 recent healthcare industry lawsuits, settlements

07/11/24 at 03:00 AM

10 recent healthcare industry lawsuits, settlements Becker's Hospital Review; by Andrew Cass; 7/8/24... Here are 10 healthcare industry lawsuits, settlements and legal developments Becker's reported since June 26:

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CMS: GUIDE Model Infographic, Facts, and Participants

07/11/24 at 03:00 AM

CMS: GUIDE Model Participants and Infographic and various press releases; retrieved from the internet 7/10/24 The Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model is a voluntary nationwide model test that aims to support people with dementia and their unpaid caregivers. The model began on July 1, 2024, and will run for eight years. Editor's Note: Multiple press releases are populating across the internet. We share this list of links to information, participants, and sample press releases from well-known participants. 

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[NBC Today Show] Child caregivers shine light on heavy task of tending to sick parents

07/11/24 at 03:00 AM


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Health systems oppose new cybersecurity rules

07/11/24 at 03:00 AM

Health systems oppose new cybersecurity rules Becker's Health IT; by Giles Bruce; 7/8/24 Health systems and industry trade groups are objecting to new cybersecurity reporting requirements proposed by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The recommended rule under the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 would, among other things, require covered entities to report cyberattacks within 72 hours and ransom payments within 24 hours. The proposal, which is estimated to cost the industry $1.4 billion, would exempt small and critical access hospitals.

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A professional’s perspective: Ageism within the healthcare system; does it exist?

07/10/24 at 03:00 AM

A professional’s perspective: Ageism within the healthcare system; does it exist? Northern Kentucky Tribune; by Jeff Rubin; 7/6/24 A friend of mine named Dee recently shared with me a particularly unpleasant experience she had with a young hospital discharge planner regarding her 97-year-old mom in California. It appears Dee had a heck of a time trying to get her mom discharged to home health care rather than hospice, even though the particular care she needed could have been better delivered at home. A geriatrician by training, Dee ... recognized the invaluable role of hospice in providing end-of-life care. However, the situation she found herself in was less a question of end-of-life and more of palliative care. ...  A recent study in the US sampling 2,035 individuals between 50 and 80 years of age revealed that 93.4% experienced ageism firsthand. Their perception extended to professionals like doctors, nurses, therapists, social workers, and psychologists whose services included working with older people. [Click on the title's link for significant data, descriptions, and resources.]

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How to overcome the cumulative effects of change

07/09/24 at 02:05 AM

How to overcome the cumulative effects of change Healthcare IT Today; by guest author Maura Koehler-Hanlon; 7/5/24 Healthcare IT organizations are currently undertaking major initiatives to enhance patient engagement, streamline processes, ensure regulatory compliance, and more. This extensive workload can overwhelm employees, leading to burnout due to the sheer volume of changes. ... In this environment, it becomes critical for leaders to understand change saturation and build change resilience. Here’s what leaders need to know and do to move forward:

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How Hospice of the Chesapeake is innovating bereavement care, family support

07/08/24 at 03:00 AM

How Hospice of the Chesapeake is innovating bereavement care, family support Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 7/4/24 Maryland-based Hospice of the Chesapeake has been pursuing innovation in its bereavement and caregiver support programs. The nonprofit hospice and palliative care provider offers grief care to its entire community regardless of whether a family member was one of their patients. Out-of-pocket payments for those services are on a sliding scale. To expand its reach, Hospice of the Chesapeake works with organizations like schools, senior living communities and other community partners, according to Faith Fitzgerald, director of community support programs for the hospice.

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CHAPcast: Top 10 Deficiencies for Home Health and Hospice

07/05/24 at 03:00 AM

CHAPcast: Top 10 Deficiencies for Home Health and Hospice[Podcasts] Email; 7/3/24CHAP's Clinical Nurse Educator, Keri Culhane, dissects the top 10 deficiencies for 2023 in home health and hospice care. Keri highlights trends, issues, and practical strategies to improve care planning and compliance.

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Community Hospice & Palliative Care, a subsidiary of Alivia Care, Inc., becomes last remaining not-for-profit hospice provider [in North Florida]

07/02/24 at 03:00 AM

Community Hospice & Palliative Care, a subsidiary of Alivia Care, Inc., becomes last remaining not-for-profit hospice provider [in North Florida] - Alivia Care, Inc. Press Releases, Gainesville, FL; 6/29/24 With recent changes in end-of-life care, North Florida residents may notice a shift as Haven, a long-standing provider in the region, transitions due to acquisition by a for-profit health care company, BrightSpring Health Services. As this transition takes place, Community Hospice & Palliative Care, a subsidiary of Alivia Care, Inc., wishes to express its continued dedication to providing compassionate, community-based care to individuals and families in the community. "We understand that transitions in healthcare can be challenging for our community," said Phillip Ward, President, and CEO of Community Hospice & Palliative Care. "However, we want to reassure everyone that our dedication to serving our neighbors with compassion, dignity, and unwavering commitment remains as strong as ever."

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Hospices’ 2024 Public Policy Priorities

07/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospices’ 2024 Public Policy Priorities Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 6/27/24 A group of hospice leaders recently participated in Hospice Action Week, a lobbying event held last week by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the Hospice Action Network. In their meetings with legislators, providers made known their policy priorities. A key goal of these discussions was to establish open lines of communication with congressional offices to foster continued advocacy on hospice issues, according to NHPCO COO and interim CEO Ben Marcantonio. [Key issues include:]

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HHS to impose penalties on providers that block patients’ health information

06/28/24 at 03:00 AM

HHS to impose penalties on providers that block patients’ health information McKnights Home Care; by Adam Healy; 6/24/24In a bid to promote easier access and exchange of patients’ health records, the Department of Health and Human Services published a final rule Monday outlining penalties for providers that block access to electronic health information. ... Fragmented and inaccessible patient data can prevent long-term and post-acute care providers from seeing the full picture of a patients’ health. Hospitals, for example, are not required to share updates about a patient’s health with the patient’s post-acute care provider. As a result, home health and home care agencies frequently cannot access patients’ electronic health records to help assess and treat patients. Three disincentives: ... First, hospitals that commit information blocking can be subject to a reduction of three quarters of an annual market basket update. Second, clinicians eligible for the Merit-based Incentive Payment System will receive a zero score in the “promoting interoperability performance” MIPS category, which can be equivalent to roughly a quarter of the clinician’s MIPS score in a given year. Lastly, providers that participate in information blocking can have their Medicare Shared Savings Program or Accountable Care Organization eligibility revoked for at least one year. ...Editor's Note: Almost any solution raises additional challenges. How does HIPAA interface with this? How might a cyberattack at a hospital (or other healthcare agency) affect the patients' other agencies, putting them at risk as well?

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'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future

06/27/24 at 03:15 AM

'We may not ever be fully staffed': Health system C-suites plan for the future Becker's Hospital Review - Leadership & Management; by Laura Dyrda; 6/24/24 After the pandemic, most healthcare leaders experienced a "great resignation" as workers left for other service industries and ever since health systems have been dealing with a lack of skilled labor to backfill the vacancies. "As we have realized we may not ever be fully staffed to the degree we were pre-COVID, we now must augment our existing workforce with technology that extends their capabilities," said Mark Moseley, MD, president of USF Tampa General Physicians and executive vice president of Tampa General Hospital. "This is a two-part challenge. First, we need to deploy technology thoughtfully with sound blocking and tackling, which is expensive in both time and capital. Second, we must train our workforce to use these new technologies to aid them in their daily responsibilities in a manner that does not diminish the ethos of why many of us went into healthcare: the interactions with patients and members of the healthcare team." Physicians and nurses can fall on a wide spectrum of excitement or distaste for incorporating technology into their practice. Some may find it impersonal and challenging to understand while others see it as a tool boosting their capacity. ... [Click on the title's link to continue reading.]

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Lawmakers remain committed to passing hospice workforce bill

06/26/24 at 02:00 AM

Lawmakers remain committed to passing hospice workforce bill Hospice News; by Jim Parker; 6/24/24 Federal legislators plan to continue to work on passing a bill designed to bolster the hospice and palliative care workforce. The Palliative Care and Hospice Education Training Act (PCHETA) has come before Congress several times but has not yet been passed. The bill’s most recent development occurred in July 2023, when it was reintroduced by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.). Capito has indicated that the senators are not giving up on the legislation as they seek to ensure that hospice and palliative care providers are able to meet growing demand. ... The legislation would establish fellowships through new palliative care and hospice education centers to provide short-term, intensive training, as well as incentivized award programs across all the relevant disciplines. It also would support programs to develop career paths within the field.

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Tapestry Hospice settles healthcare kickback claims for $1.4 million

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

Tapestry Hospice settles healthcare kickback claims for $1.4 million United States Attorney's Office - Northern District of Georgia; Press Release; 6/20/24 Tapestry Hospice of Northwest Georgia, LLC, and its owners and managers, David Lovell, MD, Stephanie Harbour, Ben Harbour, and Andrew Nall (collectively “Tapestry”), agreed to pay $1.4 million to resolve allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by entering into kickback arrangements with medical directors in exchange for referrals of hospice patients to Tapestry. “By entering into kickback arrangements, health care providers can cause doctors to make medical decisions that are motivated by financial gain, rather than the patient’s best interest,” said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan. “Our office is committed to ensuring the accountability of health care providers who put their own financial needs ahead of their patients.” “The False Claims Act settlement in this case will hopefully be a deterrent to those who selfishly evade our federal healthcare programs for their own benefit,” said Keri Farley, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Atlanta. “The message is clear, the FBI will not tolerate companies operating corporate-wide schemes to illegally line their pockets.” 

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The 9 biggest challenges physicians face in daily practice: Survey

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

The 9 biggest challenges physicians face in daily practice: Survey Becker's Hospital Review; by Ashleigh Hollowell; 6/20/24 ... The following challenges are the ones physicians most often ranked as very or somewhat significant as they relate to their day-to-day work:

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171K+ clicks saved: Inside Johns Hopkins' nurse documentation revamp

06/24/24 at 03:00 AM

171K+ clicks saved: Inside Johns Hopkins' nurse documentation revamp Becker's Clinical Leadership; by Erica Carbajal; 6/17/24 Across healthcare, efforts to advance documentation are often focused on enhancing physicians' workflow. But at Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins Hospital, leaders are equally focused on improving documentation in nursing. ... [The] American Nurses Credentialing Center recognized Johns Hopkins with 10 exemplars, one of which recognized the hospital as a leader in nursing informatics. Case in point: The hospital has saved nurses 170,620 clicks in four months, April Saathoff, DNP, RN, vice president and chief nursing information officer at Johns Hopkins Medicine, told Becker's. ... "Instead of the nurse having to go in and document on every single row on a head-to-toe reassessment for the patient, we now have some fields added to the top where the nurse can document reassessment changes noted or reassessed no changes," Dr. Saathoff said, adding that the changes are saving nurses an average of 13 minutes per reassessment. Editor's Note: What might your organization be able to streamline in your online documentation? Before IT or clinical management decides unilaterally, get input from your clinicians who make the visits and use the system. Include your psychosocial/spiritual care team members as well, as you might delete something crucial that they need.

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Our Hospice collects food in employee-led drive

06/21/24 at 02:30 AM

Our Hospice collects food in employee-led drive The Republic; by Staff Reports; 6/20/24 Our Hospice (OHSCI) and Palliative Care collected 500 pounds of food for patients and families in need in an employee-led food drive. “The efforts, enthusiasm, and passion displayed by everyone at Our Hospice is truly astonishing!” said Chealsy Parr, a social worker who led the food drive. “Thanks to the participation of teammates from Greensburg, Columbus, the Hospice Center, Palliative Care, and North Vernon, we’ve significantly impacted those facing food insecurity.” “The employee – led food donations will go a long way to support those in our care who are in need,” said Steph Cain, president, Our Hospice and Palliative Care. [Located in Indiana] Editor's Note: Hospice leaders, how might you replicate this with your employees and volunteers, for the patients you serve? Forward this to the right person who can take this great initiative and make it happen.

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Better manage privacy concerns related to AI in healthcare

06/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Better manage privacy concerns related to AI in healthcare Fior Reports; by Becca Roberts; 6/17/24 Artificial intelligence technologies offer tremendous potential in healthcare, but it is critical for organizations to carefully consider the complex privacy concerns associated with different types of AI products and deployments, says Karen Habercoss, privacy officer at UChicago Medicine. “It’s critical to really understand what the use cases are and how we can minimize the amount of data we share to protect our patients, their privacy and their data,” she said. “I'm very much in favor of AI. I think it will bring about a fundamental change in the way we care for patients clinically in healthcare. Those are the very positive things that will come out of it. But with that comes a great responsibility to protect our patients from things they may not understand,” she said. 

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