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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Pediatric News.”

19-year-old says home hospice is a gift, not doom and gloom

03/03/25 at 03:00 AM

19-year-old says home hospice is a gift, not doom and gloom Keloland Media Group, Sioux Fall, SD; by Tom Hanson; 2/27/25 ... Cheyenne may be 19, but she is wise beyond her years, especially when it comes to something doctors discovered when she was 11. “I have stage 4 Metastatic Osteosarcoma, which is bone cancer in my lungs and It hasn’t responded very well to treatment, so that’s so I’m on hospice, but not because, I’m not on hospice because its the end right now, I’m on hospice because just so I have that extra support,” she said. Cheyenne knows people often misunderstand what hospice is all about. “It’s like doom and gloom and it’s like the end, there’s nothing they can do and that’s just not the case, she said. She was able to go on her road trip because Sanford’s Home Hospice team, including Becky Jibben, helped plan the trip and organize support teams along the way if Cheyenne needed help.

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Influence of culture and spiritual tradition on support for families of children dying in intensive care units

03/01/25 at 03:20 AM

Influence of culture and spiritual tradition on support for families of children dying in intensive care unitsJournal of Pediatric Nursing; Sung-Jin Jeanie Ju, Janie Ito, Aubree Lin, Dagmar Grefe, Jennifer Baird, Rebecca Ortiz La Banca Barber; 2/25Parents utilize spirituality as a means of coping during and after a child's death. Complexity of grief associated with loss of a child suggests the paramount importance of providing appropriate support for parents while experiencing their child's critical illness or end of life. Findings indicated three themes that illustrate the end-of-life and bereavement process: 1) Coping during hospitalization and the end-of-life stage; 2) coping during the bereavement stage; and 3) advice for parents and staff. To integrate the results into practice, hospital-wide education for staff on the importance of cultural and spiritual sensitivity is recommended. Additionally, collaboration with spiritual care teams, especially for patients and families facing complex diagnoses or advance care planning, will enhance the provision of culturally and spiritually sensitive care.

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Development of an interprofessional clinician training in pediatric serious illness communication

03/01/25 at 03:15 AM

Development of an interprofessional clinician training in pediatric serious illness communicationJournal of Palliative Medicine; Danielle D DeCourcey, Rachelle Bernacki, John Carozza, Sithya Lach, Andrea Wershof Schwartz; 2/25Early advance care planning (ACP) is associated with improved outcomes in pediatrics, yet few rigorously developed curricula exist to train interprofessional clinicians in ACP communication. We developed an interactive, skills-based three-hour synchronous online clinician training program using Kern's Six-Step Curriculum Design, incorporating didactic and simulated patient encounters with a trained actor. Following training, 97% of participants were highly satisfied with training quality, and 100% endorsed that they would recommend it to colleagues. Additionally, clinician self-reported comfort discussing fundamental elements of ACP significantly increased following the training.

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North Texas doctor helps parents facing infant loss deal with the unimaginable

02/27/25 at 02:00 AM

North Texas doctor helps parents facing infant loss deal with the unimaginableCBS News - Texas; by Andrea Lucia, Lexi Salazar, Katie Standing; 2/25/25[Background story for parents Yvette and Thoms Ngo upon dealing with the news that their in-utero baby girl Zoe was diagnosed with Trisomy 13, would likely miscarry, or die soon after birth. Dr. Terri Weinman, their neonatologist offered rich palliative care interventions and support.] "When we met Dr. Weinman and her team the first time, she would say things like, 'So, what are we going to do when Zoey is here,' which changed my mindset completely," Yvette Ngo said. ... For the first time, the Ngos began to consider what Zoey's life, short as it might be, could look like. "It made us more comfortable with the situation, I mean as comfortable as you can be," Thomas Ngo said. "She just gave us hope." Zoey was born on April 18, 2024. She met her parents, her siblings and her grandparents. She was baptized. "They made us little crafts and mementos for us to take home, like footprints, really ways to help cherish Zoey's life," Yvette Ngo said. "They took her heartbeat and recorded it for us. Little things that we wouldn't necessarily think of." Zoey even had a chance to go home. But after 36 hours of life, Zoey passed away in her father's arms. The perinatal palliative care Zoey received remains rare. But for families like the Ngos, it provides a small sense of control when it's needed most. "Being able to plan so much in advance and think about all the different scenarios and how we wanted it," Yvette Ngo said. " I think, looking back on our time with Zoey..." "We wouldn't have done anything differently," Thomas Ngo said. Editor's note: Pair this with "Improving knowledge, confidence, and skills in perinatal bereavement care through simulation in baccalaureate nursing students," posted 2/24/25.

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Improving knowledge, confidence, and skills in perinatal bereavement care through simulation in baccalaureate nursing students

02/24/25 at 03:00 AM

Improving knowledge, confidence, and skills in perinatal bereavement care through simulation in baccalaureate nursing studentsState Nurses Associations - Kansas State Nurses Association; by Shelby True, MSN, RN; Libby Rosen, PhD, RN, IBCLC; Ashley Seematter MSN, RN; Jeri Harvey & Karly Lauer, MSN, RN; 2/20/25Many baccalaureate nursing programs throughout the United States thread concepts of bereavement and end-of-life care throughout their curriculum. However, a standardized education program for nursing students that increases the knowledge, confidence level, and application of skills a nurse must possess when providing perinatal bereavement care is often absent from the curriculum (Sorce & Chamberlain, 2019).  Perinatal loss can have a profound impact on parents and their loved ones, leading to emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual trauma that deeply affects the lives of those involved. The nursing care each parent receives at the time of the loss may be remembered for years to come and is crucial to determining the nature of the grieving process (Sorce & Chamberlain, 2019). ... To improve the knowledge, confidence, and skill level of nurses providing perinatal bereavement care, a role-play perinatal bereavement simulation was developed and implemented in two Midwestern universities’ baccalaureate nursing programs in the maternal/newborn courses. Editor's note: Having served our hospice's Pediatrics Team for four years, the grief of parents, grandparents, siblings affected me deeply. I remember vividly a young mom unable to physically leave her baby's body with the hospital's nurse. Gently, we held her baby together. Over the course of about 15 minutes, the mother gradually shifted the weight of holding her baby over to me, before the hardest task of her life--leaving the hospital without her child. (It was Christmas week. I bawled when I got home.) Visiting them at the funeral home and after in their home, I experienced horrible, disenfranchised comments and attitudes from others (especially a local preacher). Leaders: tune into your pediatric hospice and palliative team members. What specialized support and education do they need? And, we never know what personal stories of perinatal bereavement those around us continue to carry. 

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Over a quarter of adolescents, young adults with cancer who want to die at home do not

02/21/25 at 03:00 AM

Over a quarter of adolescents, young adults with cancer who want to die at home do not Healio; by Jennifer Byrne; 2/20/25 More than one-fourth of adolescents and young adults with cancer who wished to die at home did not attain this goal, according to research published in JAMA Network Open. Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study that included adolescents and young adults (AYA; age range, 12 to 19 years) with cancer who died between 2003 and 2019. The cohort included patients treated at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Kaiser Permanente Northern California or Kaiser Permanente Southern California. ... Healio spoke with Odejide about the rationale for the study, the importance of the findings, and strategies oncologists can employ to ensure more goal-concordant end-of-life care for AYA patients with advanced cancers. [Click here for Helio's discussion with the lead researcher, Oreofe O. Odejide, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.]  Editor's note: Examine this JAMA article, which we posted in our Saturday Research issue, 1/18/25: "Preferred and actual location of death in adolescents and young adults with cancer."

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Long-term health care use among children surviving multiple organ dysfunction

02/15/25 at 03:40 AM

Long-term health care use among children surviving multiple organ dysfunctionJAMA Network Open; Robert Ohman, MD, MPH; Jerry J. Zimmerman, MD, PhD; 1/25Mortality outcomes of pediatric critical illness have improved over the last several decades, while concurrently the population of patients with technology dependency and complex chronic morbidities has continued to grow and the incidence of MOD [multiple organ dysfunction] has simultaneously increased. In the setting of declining critical illness mortality, pediatric outcomes research has broadened its scope to assess metrics beyond mortality, describing the trajectory of recovery from critical illness with measures of patient quality of life; physical, cognitive, and functional status; and family psychological and economic well-being. As the authors point out, assessment of the larger financial impact of this higher health care utilization on families themselves would be valuable future knowledge, as high health care utilization, appointments, and recurrent hospitalizations may detract from families’ ability to work, care for their other children, and attend to their own medical needs. Targeted support for families of survivors of MOD may be necessary to minimize these secondary impacts and to optimize outcomes for this vulnerable population of patients.

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Bringing children home: Kentucky Children’s Hospital’s approach to pediatric end-of-life care

02/12/25 at 03:00 AM

Bringing children home: Kentucky Children’s Hospital’s approach to pediatric end-of-life care American Hospital Association; 2/8/25 When parents have a child with a serious illness, all they want is for their child to get well. If that no longer becomes a possibility, often all they want is to bring their child home. Most — around 70% — of pediatric deaths related to illness occur in the hospital, but the Kentucky Children’s Health Pediatric Advanced Care Team offers some families the chance to transport their child home using life-sustaining technology. That’s not an easy feat; these patients are medically fragile, and the outcome can be unpredictable. A team made up of hospital administrators, hospice providers, coroner and the transportation team comes up with a plan. The child’s parents complete an informed consent procedure, recognizing that their child may not survive the journey home. The transportation team tries to ensure that the journey is as comfortable as possible, as well as planning what to do if the child’s condition deteriorates on the journey. If that happens, he or she will be supported as they pass without resuscitation efforts.

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Flat MaineCare rates force home health company to discharge pediatric patients

02/11/25 at 03:00 AM

Flat MaineCare rates force home health company to discharge pediatric patients NBC News Center Maine, Lewiston, ME; by Vivien Leigh; 2/7/25 A home health company is lobbying state health officials to adopt a funding plan to ensure kids with severe health needs don't fall through the cracks. Andwell Health Partners provides nursing, therapy, and services to nearly 900 children across six counties. The majority of those kids are on MaineCare, the state's version of Medicaid. But the company said it has no choice but to discharge patients because of a lack of increase in reimbursement rates. ... Lindsay Hammes, spokesperson with Maine DHHS, released a statement to News Center Maine. "... MaineCare has been working with providers and partners, including Andwell, on a palliative care model that would, among other populations, cover children with medical complexity. We are in the rate-setting stage for this model." 

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[Germany] Green hospice snails: Dresden bakeries support incurable children

02/11/25 at 03:00 AM

[Germany] Green hospice snails: Dresden bakeries support incurable children Archynewsy; 1/10/25 In Dresden, Germany, a heartwarming campaign is uniting bakeries and communities to support families facing the challenges of life-limiting illnesses in their children. Every February 10th, known as the "Day of Work for the Hospice for Children," participating bakeries offer delectable "green" treats, with a portion of their proceeds contributing to the invaluable work done by local children’s hospices. ... This campaign transcends mere fundraising; it acts as a powerful platform to shed light on the often-overlooked needs of families navigating the complex journey of caring for a child with a life-limiting illness.

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A broader end-of-life-view: The need for hospice and palliative care extends beyond the elderly, as the patient population at Transitions LifeCare suggests

02/10/25 at 03:00 AM

A broader end-of-life-view: The need for hospice and palliative care extends beyond the elderly, as the patient population at Transitions LifeCare suggestsTriangle Business Journal, Raleigh, NC; by Connie Gentry; 2/7/25 Although the likelihood of developing cancer is highest for anyone over age 65, the American Cancer Society’s annual report on cancer statistics, released last month, noted increasing incidents of many cancer types among younger adults and women. ... But positive outcomes were also reported: The cancer mortality rate in the U.S. declined by 34 percent from 1991 to 2022 and, since 1970, cancer mortality in children 14 years and younger has declined by 70 percent and among adolescents ages 15 to 19 years it has dropped by 63 percent. ... Although the majority of their hospice patients are over the age of 75, Transitions LifeCare is seeing an increase in younger patients. Last year, roughly 9 percent of their hospice patients were under age 65, almost evenly divided between women and men.

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Volunteer and her 3 dogs provide joy through Hospice of the Valley's pet therapy program

02/10/25 at 03:00 AM

Volunteer and her 3 dogs provide joy through Hospice of the Valley's pet therapy program AZCentral; by Lin Sue Flood, Hospice of the Valley; 2/7/25 Marian Wallace loves dogs and loves volunteering, so she put the two together to provide joy to others. [Her] three adorable Labradors — Mattie, Harper and Richey — are the newest members of Hospice of the Valley’s pet therapy program. They visit youngsters at Ryan House, which provides respite support to families with medically fragile children. ... Marian joined Hospice of the Valley’s pet therapy program was about 10 years ago. A friend who had a therapy pet inspired her to rescue and train dogs. She began visiting hospice patients with her first two labs, Shiloh and Amy. ... “It’s that child-animal interaction that I find so incredible,” she said. ... One of the most endearing qualities she sees in all of her Labs is how intuitive they are, tapping into the moods and emotions of children to comfort them. ... Editor's note: Ensuring pet therapy training and certification is crucial, for both the pet and the owner. Click here for an extensive national list of Pet Therapy Organizations. If you have--or plan to provide--a pet therapy program, be sure that insurance is provided (by the pet therapy organization and/or by you) in case an incident occurs. 

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[UK] Kate Middleton fingerpaints with children from hospice during royal visit

02/05/25 at 03:00 AM

Kate Middleton fingerpaints with children from hospice during royal visit[UK] Independent; by Barney Davis; 1/30/25The Princess of Wales laughed as she played with terminal children at a “lifeline” hospice. Kate Middleton joked about her “huge” hands as she left her print on the wall of the Ty Hafan children’s hospice in South Wales on Thursday. The future Queen, who confirmed earlier this month she is in remission from cancer, has become patron of the hospice as she continues her gradual return to public duties.

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UNC Health, Duke Health to build children's hospital

01/30/25 at 03:00 AM

UNC Health, Duke Health to build children's hospital Modern Healthcare; by Alex Kacik; 1/28/25 UNC Health and Duke Health will build a freestanding children’s hospital in the Piedmont, North Carolina, area. The academic health systems plan to build a 500-bed children’s hospital, a pediatric outpatient center and a children’s behavioral health facility. The project, fueled by a $320 million investment by the state, is set to break ground in 2027 and take six years to complete, the organizations said in a Tuesday news release. 

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The Dorion Family Pediatric Center breaks ground in Mandarin

01/30/25 at 03:00 AM

The Dorion Family Pediatric Center breaks ground in Mandarin Jacksonville Daily Record, Jacksonville, FL; by Dan Macdonald; 1/28/25 The hospice center is designed to expand care and convenience for children and their families. The Foundation of Community Hospice & Palliative Care broke ground Jan. 27 on the Dorion Family Pediatric Center, a pediatric hospice center in Mandarin. ... The space will allow for an expanded range of therapies and support services in a dedicated, pediatric-friendly setting. The facility will provide a centralized location that reduces travel time for the clinical team. Currently, caregivers travel to patients’ homes, the release said. ... The Dorion Family Pediatric Center is named in honor of the Dorion family, who are advocates for compassionate care. The family helped establish the organization. 

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Falls Quilt Guild celebrates “Adopt A Bear” 25th birthday

01/28/25 at 03:15 AM

Falls Quilt Guild celebrates “Adopt A Bear” 25th birthday Times-Leader, Great Falls, MT; by the Falls Quilt Guild; 1/24/25 ... Kevin Sukut from Benefis Peace Hospice and Children's Bereavement Coordinator thanked guild members for the donation of quilts that accompany bears with adoption papers. It is a powerful and emotional experience participating in the gifting part of healing so many young hearts. These are given to children who accompany grieving families at Hospice. These quilts become a security blanket that brings joy to children’s faces. Kevin partners with Torene Marcum to set up and distribute bags throughout Benefis and to Choteau and Fort Benton. Torene states it is amazing how the bear and quilt makes treating children easier.

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Concurrent Care Collaborative a safety net for pediatric patients

01/28/25 at 03:00 AM

Concurrent Care Collaborative a safety net for pediatric patients Noozhawk, Santa Barbara, CA; by Easter Moorman; 1/26/25 Partners for Kids has initiated Santa Barbara County’s first Pediatric Concurrent Care Collaborative designed to offer comprehensive, compassionate, and coordinated care to seriously ill children from birth to 21 years of age. Spearheaded by Kieran Shah, president/CEO of VNA Health, and Rebecca Simonitsch, Quality Initiatives Program manager for Cottage Health, nine local organizations have joined to create a safety net for pediatric patients and their families to help them receive care close to home. The groups are: CenCal Health, Central Coast Home Health & Hospice, Cottage Children’s Medical Center, Dignity Health, Hearts Aligned, Herencia Indígena, Hospice of Santa Barbara, Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, and VNA Health. 

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Children’s book written by Manheim Township mother finally published 3 years after she died of cancer [video]

01/28/25 at 02:00 AM

Children’s book written by Manheim Township mother finally published 3 years after she died of cancer [video] LNP Lancaster Online, Lancaster, PA; by John Walk; 1/27/25 As she battled a rare sarcoma cancer over the last two years of her life, Manheim Township resident Ginny McCreary struggled to find a children’s book she could read to her two young daughters to help them better understand what she was going through. So McCreary wrote the book herself, sometimes on a smartphone while laying in bed late at night, ... McCreary died Aug. 15, 2021. She was 34. She left behind a self-published manuscript of the children’s book that sat idle for about two years but was not forgotten. ... The book has also made its way inside four Hospice & Community Care locations in Lancaster as well as Penn Medicine’s Ann B. Barshinger Cancer Institute in East Hempfield Township. [Video with Ginny's mother] "I'd love to get it to some cancer centers and hospice centers ..." [Click on the title's link for more information.]

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Abigail E. Keller Foundation's Teddy bear drive brings Valentine's cheer to young patients

01/27/25 at 03:00 AM

Abigail E. Keller Foundation's Teddy bear drive brings Valentine's cheer to young patients CBS Austin, TX; by We Are Austin; 1/23/25 Valentine's Day is getting a little sweeter for children spending the holiday in the hospital, thanks to the Abigail E. Keller Foundation's annual teddy bear drive. Now in its sixth year, the initiative aims to spread love and comfort through cuddly companions. Melissa Keller, co-founder and president of the foundation, said the drive [describes,] "Abby passed away in February of 2019, ... Abby was full of life and joy, and she brought so much life and joy to everyone that she met. We decided on that first anniversary, we were going to collect teddy bears and take them to the hospital. And we did." ... Keller says "We support medically fragile children and their families throughout their journey and at end of life, we, support our foundation, supports them in, a couple of ways. We we help them through financial assistance. We do care baskets for families going into hospice. We do birthday boxes for children in hospice."

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Community rallies to bring 12-year-old cancer patient home

01/21/25 at 03:00 AM

Community rallies to bring 12-year-old cancer patient homeNBC 26, Green Bay, WI; by Ezekiel Telemaco; 1/18/25 Hadley Baker returns home to a community welcoming her with open arms. 

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How digital storytelling can support families of very ill children

01/20/25 at 03:00 AM

[Irelan] How digital storytelling can support families of very ill children RTE, Ireland; by Veronica Lambert and Razieh Safarifard; 1/17/25 Imagine a family gathered around a young child's bed at home or in the hospital, facing the heart-wrenching reality that their time together is limited. The moments they share now - the stories told, songs sung, laughter, and tears - are more precious than ever. But how can these memories be preserved, not just for the present but for a lifetime? Memory-making activities provide a way to capture these moments, offering comfort during and after their journey through palliative care. In Ireland, the need for such interventions is growing, as more children live with life-threatening conditions and families often find themselves without adequate support in these difficult times. Our new project addresses this gap with a digital storytelling memory-making programme tailored to the unique cultural and practical needs of Irish families.

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Preferred and actual location of death in adolescents and young adults with cancer

01/18/25 at 03:30 AM

Preferred and actual location of death in adolescents and young adults with cancerJAMA Network Open; by Oreofe O. Odejide, Colin Cernik, Lauren Fisher, Lanfang Xu, Cecile A. Laurent, Nancy Cannizzaro, Julie Munneke, Robert M. Cooper, Joshua R. Lakin, Corey M. Schwartz, Mallory Casperson, Andrea Altschuler, Lori Wiener, Lawrence Kushi, Chun R. Chao, Jennifer W. Mack; 1/14/25In this cohort study of 1929 adolescent and young adult (AYA) decedents, 1226 (63.6%) had a documented discussion about their preferred location of death, with home being most frequently desired. Among these, 224 of 317 (70.7%) who wanted to die at home were able to do so, as were 164 of 172 (95.3%) who preferred a hospital death. The fact that over a quarter of AYA patients with cancer who preferred to die at home were unable to do so suggests a need for effective interventions to improve goal-concordant end-of-life care for AYA patients with cancer.

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A call to action for revisiting goals of care discussions with adolescents and young adults with cancer

01/11/25 at 03:35 AM

A call to action for revisiting goals of care discussions with adolescents and young adults with cancerJAMA Network Open; Erica C. Kaye, MD, MPH; 12/24In “Evolution in Documented Goals of Care at End of Life for Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer,” Mastropolo et al addresses an important and understudied question regarding whether and how goals of care (GOC) change for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer as death approaches. Intuitively, the study findings showed that AYAs with cancer had increased documentation of palliative GOC as they approached end of life. More specifically, 1 in 5 AYAs had GOC documentation that transitioned from nonpalliative goals in the early or middle periods to palliative in the final 30 days before death. While perhaps unsurprising, the clinical relevance of this finding is significant: a sizeable minority of AYAs may change their GOC during the final weeks of life, underscoring the importance of revisiting GOC conversations as death approaches to align medical interventions with a patient’s wishes. 

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Escambia County Fire Rescue grants a hospice wish to a 17-year-old Cantonment resident

01/07/25 at 03:00 AM

Escambia County Fire Rescue grants a hospice wish to a 17-year-old Cantonment resident Pensacola News Journal; by Tony Giberson; 1/6/25Escambia County Fire Rescue Deputy Chief Paul Williams and Lt. Darren Snipes visit with 17-year-old hospice patient Dalton Harvey and his family in the Cantonment area on Friday, Jan. 3, 2025. During the visit, the ECFR presented Dalton with gifts, including a real firefighter's helmet.

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Re-imagining childhood grief: Children as active agents in a transactional process

01/04/25 at 03:35 AM

Re-imagining childhood grief: Children as active agents in a transactional processOmega-Journal of Death and Dying; Ceilidh Eaton Russell, Meg Chin, Georg Bollig, Cheryl-Anne Cait, Franco A. Carnevale, Jody Chrastek, Bianca Lavorgna, Catriona Macpherson, Stacy S. Remke, Lies Scaut, Jane Skeen, Regina Szylit, Camara van Breemen, Ronit Shalev; 12/24While undoubtedly, the death of a parent or sibling causes considerable distress for children, the transactional model argues that an individual’s ability to adapt to challenges and problems arises from the transactions - interactions - that occur between them and their environment (Sameroff, 2009). After a loss, it is critical to be aware of the fact that children do grieve, that they impact and are impacted by those around them, reflecting influences on their social environments at any and every age. Their impressions, the feedback they receive, the messages they interpret about what is and is not deemed acceptable by those around them, can have immediate and life-long influences on their thoughts, behaviours, emotional and physical wellbeing. We propose that rather than placing the burden solely on children to seek support, adults have responsibilities to engage in a collaborative process whereby children have opportunities to express their interests and needs.

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