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All posts tagged with “Hospice Provider News | Operations News | Financial.”

‘Playbook’ offers strategies for home health, hospice firms to jump into value-based care

03/04/24 at 03:00 AM

‘Playbook’ offers strategies for home health, hospice firms to jump into value-based care McKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 2/28/24 Don’t drag your feet. As entities like Medicare Advantage and Accountable Care Organizations continue to grow and thrive, the time is now for home care to step into value-based care, according to home care consultants at Transcend Strategy Group. “The next two or three years are going to be very critical,” Tony Kudner, chief strategy officer at healthcare consultancy firm Transcend Strategy Group, said in an interview Tuesday with McKnight’s Home Care Daily Pulse. “Now is the time to build out the larger organizational competencies that value-based care is going to require.”

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Home Health & Hospice secures over $1 million in grants for innovative health care initiatives

03/04/24 at 03:00 AM

Home Health & Hospice secures over $1 million in grants for innovative health care initiatives VB VermontBiz, by The University of Vermont Health Network Home-Health & Hospice; 2/29/24Home Health & Hospice (HHH) is pleased to announce the receipt of two grants from the Vermont Agency of Human Services, totaling $1.18 million. Vermont received funding through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to enhance, expand, and strengthen home and community-based services (HCBS) and allocated a portion of those funds to offer grants to HCBS providers that serve Medicaid members. 

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CMS upends Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits data reporting for payers

03/04/24 at 02:00 AM

CMS upends Medicare Advantage supplemental benefits data reporting for payers DLA Piper, by Daivd Kopans and Sua Yoon; 2/27/24 On February 21, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance via a memorandum to Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) organizations, and Demonstration Organizations (collectively, Plans) that upends how these Plans have been reporting (or not reporting) encounter information for their covered supplemental benefits. The guidance in the memorandum is effective retroactively to January 1, 2024. [In this article] is a Q&A explaining the top points of the guidance and highlight its impact on companies across industries.

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Report of Hospice Election for Part D (Response File)

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Report of Hospice Election for Part D (Response File) U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services - Guidance Portal; 2/26/24 The purpose of this Change Request (CR) is to define the response file related to CR 13202. [Click on the title's link and follow prompts to download the Guidance Document.]

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Why not-for-profit health systems need positive margins: Deloitte

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Why not-for-profit health systems need positive margins: Deloitte Becker's Hospital CFO, by Andrew Cass; 2/28/24Health system margins are the "lifeblood of a healthy, patient-centered, innovative health care system and community," according to a report from consulting firm Deloitte.  "Claims that profits are not important in fact undermine the ability to fund the mission, serve the community, and deliver better, equitable care," Deloitte said in the report. ... "[Systems] should consider a holistic approach that integrates margin drivers to create a balanced transformation portfolio, according to the report. Timing and sequencing are important within each driver and "a full understanding of the dollar impact and priority of each is necessary for margin improvement to be successful."

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False Claims Act - 2023 Year in Review

03/01/24 at 03:00 AM

False Claims Act - 2023 Year in ReviewJD Supra; by William Athanas, A. Lee Bentley III, Gene Besen, Ryan Dean, Jonathan Ferry, Daniel Fortune, Giovanni Giarratana, Ty Howard, Elisha Kobre, Anna Lashley, Gregory Marshall, Lyndsay Medlin, Stephen Moulton, Ocasha Musah, Scarlett Singleton Nokes, Cara Rice, Brad Robertson, Tara Sarosiek, Jack Selden, Erin Sullivan, Courtlyn Ward, Virginia Wright; 2/28/24As we do every year, this issue revisits the key cases and other developments from the year gone by. And by most metrics, 2023 was a notable year for the False Claims Act (FCA).

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CMS finalizes important changes to Medicare enrollment requirements for hospice, home health providers

03/01/24 at 01:00 AM

CMS finalizes important changes to Medicare enrollment requirements for hospice, home health providersJDSupra; 2/28/24The US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized important changes to the Medicare enrollment regulations applicable to hospices and home health agencies (HHAs), including increasing the level of screening that hospice providers are subject to and limiting a Medicare-enrolled hospice’s ability to change majority ownership to once every 36 months.

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Chapters Health System CEO on prioritizing value-based care initiatives in the home

02/28/24 at 03:00 AM

Chapters Health System CEO on prioritizing value-based care initiatives in the home Home Health Care News, by Andrew Donlan; 2/26/24Andrew Molosky, the president and CEO of Chapters Health System, is keenly aware of the struggles that coincide with turning a large health care provider organization into a value-based one. The first priority in that situation, in his mind, is making sure that the entire organization is on the same page in terms of what value-based care really means, he told Home Health Care News ... “You want to get to the point where you can manage populations in the home,” Molosky said. “That becomes a parlay to reducing ER spend in a full-risk environment. It becomes earlier intervention for a hospice or home health episode. 

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Where hospices are investing their 2024 recruitment, retention dollars

02/27/24 at 02:00 AM

Where hospices are investing their 2024 recruitment, retention dollars Hospice News, by Holly Vossel; 2/20/24As hospices zero in on their investments in staff engagement and operational efficiencies, organizational culture is becoming a higher priority. ... Some have leveraged technology to streamline their operations and reduce documentation burdens, while others have poured resources into sculpting their organizational culture and developing training and career pathways.Notable mentions: Tanya Marion, Enhabit; Craig Dresang, YoloCares; Cooper Linton, Duke HomeCare & Hospice.

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MA [Medicare Advantage] may be worth the gamble: How agencies can win at a new game

02/26/24 at 03:00 AM

MA may be worth the gamble: How agencies can win at a new game HomeCare, by Lindsay Doak; 2/23/24 Over the past decade, a major shift has occurred in the Medicare market that many of us didn’t see coming: the takeover of Medicare Advantage (MA). ... This is a true game changer for the home health and hospice industry. ... So, how can agencies successfully contract with MA plans, while ensuring their costs are covered? This is where I like to refer to the wise words of Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler,” who said, “If you’re gonna play the game…You gotta learn to play it right.”

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Providers urge CMS to use caution in midst of hospice VBID implementation

02/26/24 at 02:00 AM

Providers urge CMS to use caution in midst of hospice VBID implementationMcKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 2/23/24With the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design (MA VBID) model, which allows MA organizations to participate in the hospice benefit, underway, advocates have voiced concerns that critical safeguards be put in place.

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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services corrects rule involving 2024 home health prospective payment system rate update

02/22/24 at 03:00 AM

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services corrects rule involving 2024 home health prospective payment system rate updateCMS Federal Register; 2/21/24This document corrects technical errors in the final rule that appeared in the November 13, 2023 Federal Register titled “Medicare Program; Calendar Year (CY) 2024 Home Health (HH) Prospective Payment System Rate Update; HH Quality Reporting Program Requirements; HH Value-Based Purchasing Expanded Model Requirements; Home Intravenous Immune Globulin Items and Services; Hospice Informal Dispute Resolution and Special Focus Program Requirements, Certain Requirements for Durable Medical Equipment Prosthetics and Orthotics Supplies; and Provider and Supplier Enrollment Requirements” (referred to hereafter as the “CY 2024 HH PPS final rule”).

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The bottom line: Top billing, financial mistakes responsible for home health agency struggles

02/21/24 at 03:20 AM

The bottom line: Top billing, financial mistakes responsible for home health agency struggles

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Ascension posts $708M quarterly turnaround

02/21/24 at 03:00 AM

Ascension posts $708M quarterly turnaroundBecker's Hospital CFO Report, by Alan Condon; 2/19/24Ascension reported a net income of $359.5 million in the fiscal second quarter ending Dec. 31, which is a $708 million improvement on the $238.1 million net loss it reported during the same quarter in 2022. "We remain focused on improving hospital operations, ensuring sustainability for the future and making purposeful decisions that improve the health of individuals and the communities we are privileged to serve,"CFO Liz Foshage said. "Our Q2 quarterly results are a demonstration of this commitment and a signal that we continue to move in the right direction."

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Reduced federal share may force state Medicaid programs to cut services, HCBS expert says

02/20/24 at 02:00 AM

Reduced federal share may force state Medicaid programs to cut services, HCBS expert saysMcKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 2/15/24The Congressional Budget Office this month released its “Budget and Economic Outlook” report for the coming decade. In its report, CBO predicted a roughly $58 billion drop in federal Medicaid outlays for 2024 compared to 2023 — a 9% decrease in federal Medicaid spending, due in part to fewer beneficiaries on states’ Medicaid rolls. Reduced Medicaid outlays ... has placed an even greater strain on states to pay for these Medicaid programs, according to Damon Terzaghi, director of Medicaid HCBS for the National Association for Home Care & Hospice.

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OBI says proposed bill would improve quality of life for at-home hospice patients

02/19/24 at 03:00 AM

OBI says proposed bill would improve quality of life for at-home hospice patientsNews on 6; 2/16/24Our Blood Institute is bringing awareness to an Oklahoma Senate Bill it says would improve the quality of life for at-home hospice patients. The OBI said Senate Bill 2186 would make access to blood transfusions easier for end-of-life patients who receive care at home. 

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CMS issues additional guidance on program to allow people with Medicare to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in monthly payments

02/19/24 at 02:30 AM

CMS issues additional guidance on program to allow people with Medicare to pay out-of-pocket prescription drug costs in monthly; 2/15/24The Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Prescription Payment Plan will allow people to pay Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs over the course of the year starting in 2025. [On February 15th,] the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the second part of draft guidance for the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan that outlines requirements for Medicare Part D plan sponsors, including outreach and education requirements, pharmacy processes, and operational considerations, for the program’s first year, 2025. 

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Concurrent Medicare hospice & curative care improves quality & reduces costs 13%

02/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Concurrent Medicare hospice & curative care improves quality & reduces costs 13%Open Minds; 2/7/24Medicare beneficiaries with terminal health conditions who participated in the Medicare Care Choices Model (MCCM), received high quality care at a 13% lower cost compared to similar beneficiaries who did not receive the MCCM services. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) tested this new model as an option for Medicare beneficiaries to receive supportive care services while continuing to receive services for their terminal condition.

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Medicare Advantage profitability on the decline, Moody's finds

02/06/24 at 04:00 AM

Medicare Advantage profitability on the decline, Moody's findsHealthcare Finance, by Jeff Lagasse; 2/2/24A significant spike in utilization is putting cost pressure on insureres, which will likely affect earnings. While Medicare Advantage remains attractive to the healthcare industry due to strong growth, high revenue and earnings per member, profitability is on the decline, according to a new analysis by Moody's Investor Service.

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The no. 1 problem still keeping hospital CEOs up at night

02/05/24 at 04:00 AM

The No. 1 problem still keeping hospital CEOs up at nightBecker's Hospital Review, by Kelly Gooch; 1/31/24... Here are the 10 most concerning issues hospital CEOs ranked in 2023, along with their average score on an 11-point scale of how pressing CEOs find each issue.

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Lee County belt tightening means a reduction in hospice care

02/05/24 at 04:00 AM

Lee County belt tightening means a reduction in hospice careWIUM Trstates Public Radio, by Will Buss; 2/1/24Lee County Supervisors are looking for ways to reduce spending. As a result, the health department is scaling back the level of hospice care it provides terminally ill residents. Administrator Michele Ross said the department has pushed to retain hospice service but will refer more residents to private providers.

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What home health providers need to know about CMS’ Medicare enrollment changes

02/05/24 at 03:00 AM

What home health providers need to know about CMS’ Medicare enrollment changesHome Health Care News, by Patrick Filbin; 1/31/24The Medicare enrollment process undergoes annual changes at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure it remains up to date with evolving regulations, policies and health care practices. A number of changes went into effect on Jan. 1, and several of them will affect home health agencies. Here’s what home health agencies should know about those changes.

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How hospices are diversifying their services in 2024

02/05/24 at 12:30 AM

How hospices are diversifying their services in 2024Hospice News, by Holly Vossel; 1/31/24Palliative care, pediatric end-of-life care and end-of-life doula (EOLD) services are top of mind for hospices that are diversifying their services in 2024.Fewer than half of 143 respondents to Hospice News’ 2024 Outlook Survey, conducted with Homecare Homebase, reported that their hospice organizations would pursue new care types this year. But the aim of their service diversification efforts may indicate future trends. Service diversification trends in hospice could ramp up as value-based care models incentivize this path, according to Tony Kudner, chief strategy officer of the home-based care consulting company Transcend Strategy Group. 

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Hospices struggle to balance costs, patient needs in medication deprescribing

02/02/24 at 04:00 AM

Hospices struggle to balance costs, patient needs in medication deprescribingHospice News, by Jim Parker; 1/30/24When deprescribing medications for hospice patients, providers have to navigate a complex web of factors. But according to some clinicians, the prospect of cost savings often takes precedence over clinical outcomes. Medication costs are among hospices’ biggest expenses, and deprescribing some medications deemed “curative” or “unrelated” to the patient’s terminal diagnosis is a standard practice. However, even in the context of providing comfort care at the end of life, many patients do not receive medications that could benefit them, including those for pain management.

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As denials climb, MACPAC approves recommendations for managed care oversight

01/30/24 at 03:00 AM

As denials climb, MACPAC approves recommendations for managed care oversight McKnights Home Care, by Adam Healy; 1/29/24The Medicaid and CHIP Payment Advisory Commission on Friday approved seven recommendations to enhance congressional oversight of Medicaid managed care organizations as recent reports reveal startlingly high rates of prior authorization denials. 

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