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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Advance Directives.”

LTC planning’s power lies in relationships, not revenue

04/03/24 at 03:00 AM

LTC planning’s power lies in relationships, not revenue Insurance NewsNet, by John McWilliams; 4/1/24 Long-term care planning is having a moment right now. There was a time when conversations with clients about their long-term care needs were like pulling teeth. No one wants to confront the point in their lives at which they will no longer be able to do the things they associate with independent life as an adult. Long-term care was a talk to have with people in their 60s. Now, I have those talks with folks in their 40s and 50s. What happened? 

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Cancer patients often want ‘one more round.’ Should doctors say no?

04/02/24 at 03:00 AM

Cancer patients often want ‘one more round.’ Should doctors say no? The Washington Post, by Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD; 3/31/24 My patient was in his early 30s and his leukemia had returned again following yet another round of treatment. He was a poster child for the recently reported rise in cancer rates in the young, and had just asked me what chemotherapy cocktail I could devise for him next, to try to rid him of his cancer. I hesitated before answering. Oncologists are notorious for always being willing to recommend to our patients one more course of treatment, even when the chances of success are negligible.  

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Code status discussions; difficult but necessary

04/02/24 at 02:30 AM

Code status discussions; difficult but necessary The Hospitalist, by Mark Menet, MD, MPH; 4/1/24 I thought it was just where I practiced, but it turns out that, in the medical field, we’re really bad about having code discussions, which is a significant issue. When some of my patients revealed that no one had ever asked them about their code status before, I decided to conduct some research on this topic. It turns out that, at most, 41% of patients recall discussions about their code status, however, the 10.3% as documented by another study seems much more accurate.

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Death is inevitable. Doctors should be prepared to manage it appropriately.

04/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Death is inevitable. Doctors should be prepared to manage it appropriately. MedPageToday, by Gabrielle Kis Bromberg, MD; 3/28/24In preparation for my clinical year, my medical school instructors taught me about the importance of assessing the goals and wishes of patients at the end of life. ... [My Aunt] Daniella shared with my mom and me that she was tired of being so sick and tired of feeling stuck in the hospital's revolving door. So, I asked my aunt the questions I'd just learned in class. "What is most important to you?" "If you were sicker and could not share your own medical wishes, what would you want us to tell your doctors about your goals?" "Would you accept another ICU stay, CPR, a breathing tube?" My mom and I drove home with crystal clear instructions from Daniella. If she got sicker, she wanted to die without prolonged suffering. ... [Months later] Despite many doctors, hospitalizations, a years-long decline, and countless healthcare touch points, no one had asked Daniella how she was faring as her body failed. Why did it require a medical student -- me -- just 4 months into training, to achieve an end of life consistent with her wishes?

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Incurable but not hopeless: How hope shapes patients’ awareness of their advanced cancer prognosis

03/26/24 at 03:00 AM

Incurable but not hopeless: How hope shapes patients’ awareness of their advanced cancer prognosis The Conversation, by Jean Mathews and Michael Brundage; 3/24/24Hope is defined as the expectation of achieving a future good. Patients with cancer, whether it is curable or not, prioritize cure as their highest hope. ... Previous research indicates that less than half of patients with incurable cancer are aware of their prognosis. This is often attributed to a failure of communication. ... In the context of advanced cancer, the relationship between hope and hopelessness is balanced by acceptance, which can re-direct hope to new goals beyond cure, such as hope for connection with others and enjoyment of daily pleasures. 

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The process of dealing with death is experiencing rebirth in a less-religious Pittsburgh

03/26/24 at 03:00 AM

The process of dealing with death is experiencing rebirth in a less-religious Pittsburgh Digital Daily; by Med St-Esprit, PublicSource; 3/24/24 Tanisha Bowman, of the North Side, a palliative care social worker for Butler Health System and a “death walker,” walks amongst the old graves in St. Mary’s Cemetery. ... From green burial to glass orbs containing ashes, the norms of funerals and burials are broadening as religious affiliation declines. ... According to a 2021 survey by Pew Research, 3 in 10 American adults are religiously unaffiliated. Data compiled by Pew Research about the Pittsburgh metro region found that 50% of adults in the region describe religion as “very important” and nearly 20% consider themselves not religious. Shifts in faith and worship mean families as well as businesses related to death and dying have had to alter their approaches.

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Planning for National Healthcare Decisions Day 2024: 8 ideas to spread the word

03/22/24 at 02:00 AM

Planning for National Healthcare Decisions Day 2024: 8 ideas to spread the word the conversation project; 3/12/24 Looking for ideas to plan and promote NHDD in your community? We’ve pulled together some ideas from the hundreds of local, state, and national groups across the country who have shared what they did last year or are planning for this April 16th. Be sure to take a peek at this roadmap to help you navigate all things NHDD, including where to find more examples. We hope the information ... will spark ideas and get you started.

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Legendary healthcare researcher John E. Wennberg, who shaped efforts to reform the nation’s healthcare system, dies at 89

03/20/24 at 03:00 AM

Legendary healthcare researcher John E. Wennberg, who shaped efforts to reform the nation’s healthcare system, dies at 89Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, by Susan Green; 3/18/24John E. (Jack) Wennberg, MD, MPH, founder and director emeritus of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, the Peggy Y. Thomson Professor in the Evaluative Clinical Sciences Emeritus at the Geisel School of Medicine, and founding editor of the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, died March 10, 2024. He was 89 years old. “His work pioneered a field that has grown into an entirely new academic discipline in medicine,” Duane Compton, PhD, Geisel School of Medicine dean, says. ... Wennberg focused on improving decision quality by combining better clinical evidence with informed patient preferences. The introduction of shared decision-making between clinicians and patients to preserve warranted variation due to patient preferences is now embedded in health policies across the globe.

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Doctor with terminal cancer shares the three things everyone should consider doing to prepare for death

03/15/24 at 02:30 AM

Doctor with terminal cancer shares the three things everyone should consider doing to prepare for deathYour Tango, by Alexandra Blogier; 3/12/24Kim is a resident doctor who was diagnosed with metastatic sarcoma when she was 28 years old. She invites people to see what her life is like, as both a medical resident and a cancer patient, focusing on the practice of gratitude and being present. ... Kim revealed the three most important things she’s done as a cancer patient to get the administrative side of her affairs in order, which she recommends everyone do, even if they're not sick.

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