The role of health care stereotype threat in end-of-life planning among older sexual minority adults

01/25/25 at 03:15 AM

The role of health care stereotype threat in end-of-life planning among older sexual minority adults
Innovation in Aging; by Meki Singleton; 12/24
Healthcare stereotype threat (HCST), defined as “the threat of being reduced to group stereotypes within healthcare encounters”, may occur when social identities negatively impact healthcare experiences. Prior research has shown that individuals report experiencing HCST related to age, gender, weight, race/ethnicity, HIV status, and sexual orientation. Findings demonstrate that HCST may negatively impact comfort in healthcare decision-making while also potentially motivating older SM [sexual minority] adults to formally engage in ACP [advance care planning]. Research is needed to investigate the barriers and challenges to engaging in ACP among older SM adults and interventions to reduce HCST. 

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