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All posts tagged with “Education | Certifications.”

Hospital staffing shortages draws hundreds to California rally

05/27/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospital staffing shortages draws hundreds to California rally AFSCME, American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees; by UNANC/UHCP and AFSCME International Staff; 5/21/24 SACRAMENTO, Calif. – More than 400 health care union members went to the California state Capitol during National Nurses Week this month to appeal to the state’s elected leaders to fix the nursing education backlog and hospital staffing issues that affect patient care. ... Rally participants pressed lawmakers to make health care education and training programs more accessible so students remain in their California communities for their health care careers. They also appealed to lawmakers to empower health care professionals to enforce safe staffing standards in the state’s hospitals.Editor's Note: Pair this article with others in today's issue, in our "Education" section.

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Understanding the role of Learning & Development in employee well-being

05/24/24 at 03:00 AM

Understanding the role of Learning & Development in employee well-being Today Headline - Education News; 5/21/24... The Connection Between Learning and Well-Being: Learning and Development programs [L&D] are often associated with upskilling, reskilling, and career advancement. But their potential extends far beyond professional growth. Learning can have a positive impact on employee well-being, too. When employees are engaged in continuous learning and skill development, their overall sense of well-being improves significantly. ... [The] role of L&D in employee well-being. ...

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AI governance and cybersecurity certifications: Are they worth it?

05/07/24 at 03:00 AM

AI governance and cybersecurity certifications: Are they worth it? CSO; by Maria Korolov; 5/6/24The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), SANS Institute, and other organizations are releasing new AI certifications in the areas of governance and cybersecurity or adding new AI modules to existing programs. These may help professionals find employment, but with the area being relatively new, experts warn certifications could be out of date almost immediately. ... On the other hand, the new AI governance and cybersecurity certifications cover the basics needed to get up to speed, create a foundation layer on which people can build later, create a common language for practitioners to use, and will typically include ongoing training requirements to help people stay current. Here, in alphabetical order by organization are all the AI governance training and certificates known at the time of publishing. ...

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