AI governance and cybersecurity certifications: Are they worth it?

05/07/24 at 03:00 AM

AI governance and cybersecurity certifications: Are they worth it? 
CSO; by Maria Korolov; 5/6/24
The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), SANS Institute, and other organizations are releasing new AI certifications in the areas of governance and cybersecurity or adding new AI modules to existing programs. These may help professionals find employment, but with the area being relatively new, experts warn certifications could be out of date almost immediately. ... On the other hand, the new AI governance and cybersecurity certifications cover the basics needed to get up to speed, create a foundation layer on which people can build later, create a common language for practitioners to use, and will typically include ongoing training requirements to help people stay current.
Here, in alphabetical order by organization are all the AI governance training and certificates known at the time of publishing. ...

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