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All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Physician & Nursing News.”

When families fight over a relative with dementia, it’s time to call in the mediator

05/16/24 at 03:00 AM

When families fight over a relative with dementia, it’s time to call in the mediator The New York Times; by Paula Span; 5/13/24 Trained negotiators can help families struggling with vexing elder-care issues.  The four adult children were in agreement. Their father, William Curry, a retired electrical engineer and business executive, was sinking deeper into dementia. ... [But their mother] remained determined to continue caring for her 81-year-old husband at home, despite the increasing toll on her own health. ... As the weeks passed, “we were really at an impasse,” [a daughter] said. “Do you override your mother?” ...  [Increasingly,] families seek elder mediation privately, before disputes land in court and imperil or destroy family relationships. [Continue reading for descriptions of how mediation differs from arbitration, from family therapy, and for cautions about this being "a fairly new field with no nationwide certification or licensing requirements."]Editor's Notes: Executive leaders, what community education and resources are you providing for Advance Directives? What family systems education and and problem-solving are you providing for your interdisciplinary team members and grief counselors? Family conflicts are inherent--in some form or fashion--with almost anyone needing dementia care, especially when paired with palliative or hospice care. (If in doubt, ask your seasoned, front-line professionals.)

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Beyond medicine: 'Being Mortal' challenges healthcare's approach to death and dying

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Beyond medicine: 'Being Mortal' challenges healthcare's approach to death and dying SwiftTelecast; by Shawn Butlere; 5/11/24 This video from the “Frontline” series, titled “Being Mortal,” follows Dr. Atul Gawande as he explores the complex relationships between doctors, patients, and end-of-life decisions. Based on his best-selling book “Being Mortal,” Gawande discusses how medical training often falls short in preparing doctors for the realities of death and dying. The documentary highlights personal stories, including Gawande’s own experiences with his father’s illness and death, to illustrate the challenges in balancing hope with realistic outcomes and the importance of quality life in the face of terminal illness. 

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6 ways to cut EHR burdens for physicians

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

6 ways to cut EHR burdens for physicians AMA - American Medical Association; by Sara Berg, MS; 5/7/24 When Jane F. Fogg, MD, MPH, first became a doctor, patient charts were on paper. She looked forward to the rise of the EHR, believing electronic charting could help modernize the care she provided while also empowering herself and her patients. Funny how things turn out. “EHRs are a source of burnout—we have lots and lots of great evidence that has helped us understand the low usability and the high work burden that it adds to physicians,” Dr. Fogg, senior physician adviser at the AMA. ... Here are just a few ways that health systems and organizations can improve EHR workflows to reduce physician burden.

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Nurse practitioners improve skilled nursing's dementia care outcomes, but regulatory barriers remain: study

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Nurse practitioners improve skilled nursing's dementia care outcomes, but regulatory barriers remain: studyMcKnights Long-Term Care News; by Josh Henreckson; 5/13/24[Nurse pracitioners'] NPs’ involvement can significantly improve end-of-life care outcomes for residents with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD), according to the results of a new study in JAMA Health Forum. ... Those benefits, however, were shrunk by state regulations on the scope of care NPs are allowed to provide. ...  Elizabeth White, PhD, assistant professor of health services, policy and practice at Brown University [describes,] “For example, when a state restricts NPs from signing Do Not Resuscitate orders, that can serve as a barrier to advance care planning and could contribute to unnecessary hospitalizations at the end of life.” Editor's Note: We posted this JAMA Health Forum article on : Nurse Practitioner care, scope of practice, and end-of-life outcomes for nursing home residents with dementia. 

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800+ California nurses to receive 22.5% pay hike

05/15/24 at 03:00 AM

800+ California nurses to receive 22.5% pay hike Becker's Hospital Review; by Kelly Gooch; 5/10/24Members of the California Nurses Association have approved a new labor contract with Washington Hospital Healthcare System in Fremont, Calif. The four-year agreement covers roughly 840 nurses, according to a union news release. It was approved by union members May 3 and by the Washington Township Health Care District board of directors May 8. ... According to the CNA, the new deal includes a 22.5% across-the-board increase in wages over four years. It also includes "precedent-setting standard expanding infectious disease protocols and workplace violence protections"; language that protects union members' ability to take meal and rest periods; and protections for part-time positions, according to the union.Editor's Note: These new terms reflect nationwide trends of healthcare/nurse strikes and reasons for leaving their jobs, ie., pay, patient safety, workplace violence, work/home life balance, and more.

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A narrative review of risk mitigation strategies in the management of opioids for chronic pain and palliative care in older adults: Interprofessional collaboration with the pharmacist

05/14/24 at 03:00 AM

A narrative review of risk mitigation strategies in the management of opioids for chronic pain and palliative care in older adults: interprofessional collaboration with the pharmacist Annals of Palliative Medicine; by Insaf Mohammad, Candice L Garwood, Lisa Binns-Emerick Key content and findings: A variety of risk mitigation strategies to improve safety for older adults using opioids exist. They include risk assessment, tapering opioids, reducing high-risk concomitant medications, utilizing non-opioid therapies, screening for and treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD), toxicology testing, co-prescribing naloxone, utilizing controlled substance agreements, reviewing prescription drug monitoring program data, prescriber and patient education, and collaboration with pharmacists and palliative care specialists.

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Top 5 AI concerns for nurses

05/14/24 at 03:00 AM

Top 5 AI concerns for nurses Becker's Health IT; by Giles Bruce; 5/8/24Nurses have been expressing concern about healthcare artificial intelligence lately, with some even marching in protest against the technology. But what are their main qualms with AI? [According to a recent study:]

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Nurse Practitioner care, scope of practice, and end-of-life outcomes for nursing home residents with dementia

05/13/24 at 03:30 AM

Nurse Practitioner care, scope of practice, and end-of-life outcomes for nursing home residents with dementia JAMA Health Forum - JAMA Network; by Cyrus M. Kosar, PhD; Bishnu B. Thapa, MPA, PhD; Ulrike Muench, RN, PhD; Christopher Santostefano, RN, MPH; Emily A. Gadbois, PhD; Hyesung Oh, MA, MBA; Pedro L. Gozalo, PhD; Momotazur Rahman, PhD; Elizabeth M. White, APRN, PhD; 5/10/24 Question: Is nurse practitioner (NP) care associated with end-of-life outcomes for nursing home residents with Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD), and do these associations differ between states with full vs restrictive NP scope of practice regulations? Findings: The results of this cohort study including 334 618 US nursing home residents with ADRD indicated that decedents with greater NP involvement at end of life had fewer hospitalizations and higher hospice use. The adjusted differences in outcomes between decedents with extensive vs minimal NP care were larger in states with full scope of practice regulations than in states with restrictive regulations.

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Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about the psychiatric manifestations of nonpsychiatric serious illness and treatments

05/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about the psychiatric manifestations of nonpsychiatric serious illness and treatments Journal of Palliative Medicine; by Gregg A Robbins-Welty, Paul A Riordan, Daniel Shalev, Danielle Chammas, Paul Noufi, Keri O Brenner, Joshua Briscoe, William E Rosa, Jason A Webb; 5/10/24... Among patients receiving palliative care (PC), psychiatric comorbidities are common and impact patient quality of life. ... This article, created collaboratively with a team of psychiatric-palliative care experts, is the second in a two-part series examining the bidirectional relationship between medical and psychiatric illness in PC. This article explores 10 prevalent psychiatric manifestations associated with severe illness and its treatment. [Additional access requires journal subscription or additional payment]

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WSNA files unfair labor practice charge against PeaceHealth Southwest after 14 bargaining sessions

05/13/24 at 03:00 AM

WSNA files unfair labor practice charge against PeaceHealth Southwest after 14 bargaining sessions WSNA - Washington State Nurses Association; 5/9/24 After 14 negotiation sessions for a new contract, WSNA filed unfair labor practice charges against PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center on behalf of the 1,465 nurses the association represents at the facility. Nearly four months after bargaining began, the parties remain far apart on core contract issues like wages, sick leave benefits, and workplace violence prevention. Their previous contract expired on Feb. 28, 2024. ... One of the key issues over which PeaceHealth Southwest has refused to compromise is pay equity for home health and hospice nurses in the bargaining unit. ... PeaceHealth’s proposal would put home health and hospice nurses up to 5% behind their coworkers working at the hospital.

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Impact of implementing serious illness conversations across a comprehensive cancer center using an interdisciplinary approach

05/13/24 at 03:00 AM

Impact of implementing serious illness conversations across a comprehensive cancer center using an interdisciplinary approach The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care; by Karen Guo, Garrett Wasp, Maxwell Vergo, Matthew Wilson, Megan M Holthoff, Madge E Buus-Frank, James J Perry, Amelia M Cullinan; 5/10/24Objectives: (1) Increase Serious Illness Conversation (SIC) use across oncology teams via an interdisciplinary quality improvement (QI) approach and (2) assess patient reported shared decision making (SDM) experiences with clinicians engaged in SIC implementation.Results: Oncology teams screened a total of 538 patients, identified 278 eligible patients, and completed 144 SIC conversations. The teams improved the proportion of documented SIC among eligible patients from near 0% to a collective frequency of 52%.

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What nurses really need is better staffing: The common strategies to raise nurse morale need an update

05/13/24 at 02:00 AM

What nurses really need is better staffing: The common strategies to raise nurse morale need an updatePenn LDI - Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics; by Karen Lasater, PhD, RN, and Jane Muir, PhD, APRN; 5/10/24Pizza. Coloring books. Goody bags. They could be activities at a 5-year-old’s birthday party. But they’re not: These are many employers’ attempts to lift the morale of nurses on the frontlines of chronically understaffed organizations. What nurses really want are better working conditions so they can deliver the best care possible to their patients. As researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, we asked thousands of nurses why they are leaving their profession. Their answers are straightforward — short staffing is so rampant that the public’s health care is at risk. The playbook of corporate health care asks nurses to do much with little, but nurses aren’t willing to skimp on quality and safety. There isn’t a nursing shortage — it’s nurses’ refusal to be part of a system that puts profits before safety.

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[Honoring Nurses Week] Too many nurses are being assaulted. Some say they are being blamed for the attacks.

05/10/24 at 03:05 AM

[Honoring Nurses Week] Too many nurses are being assaulted. Some say they are being blamed for the attacks. Chief Healthcare Executive; by Ron Southwick; 5/9/24 With disturbing regularity, nurses in hospitals and other healthcare settings are being physically assaulted and verbally harassed. More than half of emergency nurses say they’ve been assaulted or threatened within the past 30 days, according to the Emergency Nurses Association. In a separate study, researchers found that healthcare workers faced at least one violent or aggressive incident for every 40 hours worked, according to findings published by The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. With the observance of National Nursing Week, the increased violence in healthcare can’t be ignored. Nursing leaders say the regular exposure to violence or threatening behavior is one factor adding to stress and burnout of nurses and, in some cases, spurring them to seek new jobs.

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Hudson Valley Hospice celebrates nurses everywhere for their life-changing work

05/09/24 at 03:45 AM

Hudson Valley Hospice celebrates nurses everywhere for their life-changing work Townsquare Hudson Valley; 5/7/24 Hudson Valley Hospice is celebrating its nurses in all of their roles! From LPNs to registered nurses, nurse case managers to triage nurses, on-call nurses to nurse practitioners, they make a difference each moment of every day in their patients and their loved ones' lives. Hudson Valley Hospice is proud to call many of these heroes their own, with three of them being nominated for Hudson Valley Magazine’s 2024 Excellence in Nursing Awards: ... To Hudson Valley Hospice’s extraordinary nurses and nurses everywhere, thank you and Happy Nurses Month!Editor's Note: Hudson Valley Hospice effectively used the national nurses celebration to thank all nurses (their organizations and others), honor their persons receiving nursing excellence awards, promote community awareness about their hospice services, and recruit nurses for open roles. Bravo to you for this great communication!

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Honoring National Nurses Week: 11 hospital executives' thank-you notes to nurses

05/09/24 at 03:30 AM

Honoring National Nurses Week: 11 hospital executives' thank-you notes to nurses Becker's Clinical Leadership; by Mariah Taylor and Kelly Gooch; 5/6/24 The American Nurses Association's theme of National Nurses Week, "Nurses Make the Difference," highlights nursing excellence and how nurses embody the spirit of compassion and care in every healthcare setting. ... [Click on the title's link for] Becker's collected messages of appreciation from hospital and health system leaders across the U.S. ...

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What every family should know about navigating hospice care: The keys to experiencing a peaceful, gentle, and dignified death

05/09/24 at 03:15 AM

What every family should know about navigating hospice care: The keys to experiencing a peaceful, gentle, and dignified death Psychology Today; by Bob Uslander, MD; 5/7/24... As a physician with 35 years of experience, including 25 years as an emergency physician and 10 years as a palliative and end-of-life care specialist, I've witnessed firsthand the stark realities of palliative and hospice care.  ... Let me be clear: Hospice care is an enormous benefit to many people, and I am often awed by the level of compassion and commitment I witness among some hospice staff I encounter. Despite this, there are many gaps, the care can be inconsistent, and hospice care is frequently not the appropriate option for people who are encouraged down that path.

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Improving inclusive palliative care for transgender patients

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Improving inclusive palliative care for transgender patients Hospice News; by Holly Vossel; 5/7/24... Nearly a quarter (21.3%) of 865 interdisciplinary palliative professionals indicated that they had observed some form of discriminatory care delivered to a transgender patient in a recent study published in Cambridge University Press’ journal Palliative Support Care. Furthermore, 85.3% of study participants said they witnessed disrespectful care, while inadequate and abusive care was observed by 35.9% and 10.3% of palliative teams, respectively. ... [Read more for descriptions and interventions, as discussed with Zachary Fried, licensed clinical social worker and training supervisor of Optum at Home, a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group.] 

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Hospice Certifying Physician Medicare Enrollment Information

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Hospice Certifying Physician Medicare Enrollment InformationPalmetto GBA email; 5/6/24Pursuant to our authority under section 6405 of the Affordable Care Act, and as part of CMS' larger strategy to address hospice program integrity and quality of care, certifying physicians, including hospice physicians and hospice attending physicians, must be enrolled in or opted-out of Medicare for the hospice service to be paid. Effective June 3, 2024, (delayed from May 1, 2024) CMS will begin implementing edits to enforce this new rule and will deny hospice claims if the physician entered in the Attending field on the claim is not in the Provider Enrollment Chain and Ownership System (PECOS) as an enrolled or opted-out physician.

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Today's Encouragement: Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses ...

05/09/24 at 03:00 AM

Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses ... we must be learning all of our lives. - Florence Nightingale, 1820-1910Editor's Note: Executive leaders, what ongoing learning do you provide for your nurses? Do you simply give directives (which are important) or do you also foster the individual's curiosity, confidence, and increased competence? Whatever your hospice and palliative role, discipline, and education, may we ALL be learning, all of our lives. Celebrating National Nurses Week, May 6-12, 2024

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Highlighting Nurses Week: Best, worst states for nurses in 2024

05/08/24 at 03:00 AM

Highlighting Nurses Week: Best, worst states for nurses in 2024 Becker's Hospital Review; by Erica Carbajal; 4/30/24 WalletHub has deemed Washington the best state for nurses to practice in 2024 — a recognition based on an analysis of earnings, job growth and working conditions. For the annual ranking, the financial services company compared 50 states across two key dimensions: opportunity and competition, and work environment. Twenty metrics were grouped into those two dimensions, ... Here are the 10 best and worst states for nurses in 2024, per the ranking:  ...

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How Mass General Brigham provides emergency care at home

05/08/24 at 03:00 AM

How Mass General Brigham provides emergency care at home Becker's Health IT; by Giles Bruce; 5/6/24Somerville, MA-based Mass General Brigham now treats patients needing emergency or urgent care at home. The health system's patients can request referrals to the Home Hospital Emergency Care program through their primary care providers, who decide if patients are stable enough to be treated at home. If they are, a nurse talks to the provider and schedules a home visit, where a paramedic completes a physical exam joined virtually by an emergency medicine physician. Editor's Note: Pair this article with others in today's newsletter: "Stranded in the ER, seniors await hospital care and suffer avoidable harm" (in our Post-Acute Care section), and "[Australia] Palliative patients can die peacefully at home with paramedic support, claims proposed framework" (in our International section). 

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Early-career physicians working temp roles to 'test drive' practice settings, survey finds

05/08/24 at 03:00 AM

Early-career physicians working temp roles to 'test drive' practice settings, survey finds Becker's Hospital Review; by Alan Condon; 5/3/24Physicians and advanced practice providers are opting for the flexibility of temporary, locum tenens work in seek of improved job conditions and to relieve burnout, according to an April 23 survey conducted by AMN Healthcare. AMN, the largest provider of healthcare interim leadership and executive search services in the U.S., asked physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners who recently have worked locum tenens why they do so. The number one reason, according to 86% of respondents, was a better work schedule, followed closely by addressing feelings of burnout (80%).

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Honoring Nurses Week: Workplace factors that are 'extremely important' to nurses

05/08/24 at 02:30 AM

Honoring Nurses Week: Workplace factors that are 'extremely important' to nurses Becker's Clinical Leadership; by Mariah Taylor; 5/6/24 ... The survey asked nurses how important different elements of the workplace were. Here are the six elements of the workplace with the percentage of nurses who said it was "extremely important":

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Workers at two Essentia Health facilities file for union representation

05/07/24 at 03:00 AM

Workers at two Essentia Health facilities file for union representation Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA); by Sam Fettig and Lauren Bloomquist; 5/2/24 Registered nurses at Essentia Miller Hill Surgery Center and nurses and other healthcare workers at Essentia Solvay Hospice House announced this week that they have filed for an election with the National Labor Relations Board to form a union represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association ... because they want a voice in their workplace to improve both working conditions and how care is provided to their patients. ... At Essentia Solvay Hospice House, workers across the board, including Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Environmental Services workers, and Cooks, filed for a union election.

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National Nurses Week 2024: RN reflects on the state of the profession, calls for change

05/07/24 at 03:00 AM

National Nurses Week 2024: RN reflects on the state of the profession, calls for change USA Today / Columbia Daily Tribune; by Julia Gomez, USA Today; 5/6/24 Monday, May 6 kicks off National Nurses Week, and it gives folks an opportunity to show their love and appreciation for the people who take care of the sick, injured and dying. From neonatal nurses who help welcome newborns into the world to hospice nurses that provide peace and comfort to their dying patients, nurses play a crucial role in the medical industry. ... Catherine Kennedy, a registered nurse and the Vice President of National Nurses United, told USA TODAY that there needs to be systemic change on the federal level to give nurses the best chance to care for their patients. A study published by the National Library of Medicine states that in 2021, nurses would work an average of "8.2 hours of paid overtime and 5.8 hours of unpaid overtime per week that year — making up the equivalent of more than 9000 full-time jobs." ... 

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