Literature Review

All posts tagged with “Clinical News | Social Work News.”

The psychological experience of grandparents: proposal of a qualitative clinical assessment tool in pediatric palliative care

01/23/24 at 03:00 AM

The psychological experience of grandparents: proposal of a qualitative clinical assessment tool in pediatric palliative careClin Pract, by Alexandra Jóni Nogueira and Maria Teresa Ribeiro; 1/4/24Compared to parental caregivers and healthy siblings, grandparents are underexplored in the literature and clinical practice. The aim of the present study is to propose a psychological experience assessment tool of grandparents in this context. 

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Hospital death less likely, hospice more likely for white women with ovarian cancer

01/22/24 at 04:00 AM

Hospital death less likely, hospice more likely for white women with ovarian cancerHealio, by Erin T. Welsh; 1/19/24Women with ovarian cancer from underrepresented groups have a higher likelihood of in-hospital mortality vs. hospice mortality compared with their white counterparts. ... Key takeaways:

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Talking about death and dying

01/22/24 at 04:00 AM

Talking about death and dyingThe Saturday Evening Post; by N. West Moss; 1/19/24Last summer, my 88-year-old mother was diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer and opted for in-home hospice. She died three months later. Talking about death can be difficult. It can bring up feelings of fear, anxiety, and sorrow. It can also feel awkward as it requires acknowledging one’s own (or a loved one’s) mortality. 

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Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about providing care for people with disabilities

01/19/24 at 03:55 AM

Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about providing care for people with disabilitiesJ Palliat Med, by Dorothy W Tolchin, Claire Rushin, Ben Tolchin, Chloe Slocum, Jordana L Meyerson, Susan M Havercamp, Tamra Keeney, Andrea W Schwartz, Kristen Schaefer, Melissa Ross, Michael A Stein, Christopher A Jones, William E Rosa, Forrest A Brooks/ 1/17/24Palliative care (PC) clinicians are well poised to help people with disabilities (PWD) live well in the context of serious illness. PC prioritizes person-centered care with a focus on function, autonomy, and quality of life. This approach aligns with principles of high-quality care for PWD.Requires subscription Editor's Note: See 

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Hollywood's portrayal of cancer in movies fuels misconceptions, new study finds

01/18/24 at 04:02 AM

Hollywood's portrayal of cancer in movies fuels misconceptions, new study findsPR Newswire; 1/17/24... Researchers reviewed more than 100 films released between 2010-2020 and found several key findings about films' lasting impact on public perception of cancer treatment, prevention and care options. Key findings from the study include:

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Social determinants of health play 'an important role' in end-of-life pain strategies

01/18/24 at 04:00 AM

Social determinants of health play 'an important role' in end-of-life pain strategiesHealio, by Jennifer Byrne and Timothy M. Pawlik; 1/16/24Patients with gastrointestinal cancers face ongoing racial/ethnicity-based disparities in end-of-life pain management, specifically in terms of access to and utilization of opioids, study results showed.

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Increasing longevity, decreasing health quality: A close look at American health trends

01/18/24 at 04:00 AM

Increasing longevity, decreasing health quality: A close look at American health trendsBNN, by Ayesha Mumtaz; 1/16/24Recent data paints a concerning picture of Americans’ health despite an increase in longevity. While people are living longer, the quality of their health during these extended years is deteriorating. 

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Coming to terms: Female veterans' experience of serious illness

01/18/24 at 03:00 AM

Coming to terms: Female veterans' experience of serious illnessJournal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, by Brandon M. Varilek and Mary J. Isaacson; 1/16/24Female veteran populations are growing internationally and are more likely than men to develop certain serious illnesses, including some cancers. ... This study reports the qualitative findings from a multimethod study using qualitative inquiry to explore female veterans' experiences of living with a serious illness. 

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NAVC announces Pet Peace of Mind as the 2024 NAVC Gives Marquee Award recipient

01/17/24 at 04:00 AM

NAVC announces Pet Peace of Mind as the 2024 NAVC gives Marquee Award recipient

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Black caregivers' symptom management, cultural, and religious experiences with home hospice care

01/15/24 at 03:00 AM

Black caregivers' symptom management, cultural, and religious experiences with home hospice careJournal of Pain and Symptom Management, by Taeyoung Park, Danetta H Sloan, Dulce M Cruz-Oliver, Manney Cary Reid, Sara Czaja, Ronald D Adelman, Ritchell Dignam, Veerawat Phongtankuel; 8/23 Objectives: This study seeks to address this knowledge gap by applying qualitative methods to understand Black/African American caregivers' experiences around symptom management, cultural, and religious challenges during home hospice care.

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A dying person is the last to lose this sense. The scientists' discovery may be surprising.

01/12/24 at 03:00 AM

A dying person is the last to lose this sense. The scientists' discovery may be surprising.247 News Agency; 1/10/24Researchers analyzed the brain activity of 30 people to check their reactions before death. As a result of the research, it turned out that the last sense that leaves the body of a dying person is hearing. 

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The importance of emotional support services in mental health

01/09/24 at 03:15 AM

The importance of emotional support services in mental healthYonkers Times, 1/8/24... ROLE IN HOSPCE CARE: In hospice settings, emotional support is crucial for helping both patients and their families manage the complex emotions associated with terminal illness. This support includes providing a safe space for expressing feelings like fear, grief, and anxiety and offering coping strategies. It aims to ease the emotional burden and improve the quality of life ..., recognizing the profound impact that a terminal diagnosis can have on both patients and their loved ones.

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Home health agencies grapple with 'acuity creep' as patient needs become more complex

01/08/24 at 04:00 AM

Home health agencies grapple with 'acuity creep' as patient needs become more complexHome Health Care News, by Patrick Filbin; 1/5/24As the demand for home-based care continues to rise, so does the need for more intensive care plans as patients continue to be sicker and more complex. Home health agencies are feeling this “acuity creep,” and they’re adjusting. But at times, it’s hard to keep up. “When I’m talking about acuity creep, I’m thinking about how much need do the patients in our care models require?” Michael Johnson, president of home health and hospice at Bayada Home Health Care, said. “It’s not just medical needs, either — there’s a social need as well."

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Death anxiety impairs self-esteem, quality of life in older adults with chronic diseases

01/05/24 at 04:00 AM

Death anxiety impairs self-esteem, quality of life in older adults with chronic diseaseMcKnights Long-Term Care News, by Kristen Fischer; 1/4/24No surprise here: A new study that shows anxiety about dying can affect self-esteem and quality of life among people with chronic diseases. The authors said they’d like to see more interventions to bolster self-esteem and lower death anxiety in middle-aged and older adults who have chronic diseases. The study was published on Tuesday in BMC Psychiatry. The negative consequences of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (along with the unpredictability of death) makes middle-aged and elderly adults who have these diseases more vulnerable to death anxiety, the authors wrote. 

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The silent battle: Addressing depression among cancer patients

01/04/24 at 04:00 AM

The silent battle: Addressing depression among cancer patientsBNN, by Mazhar Abbas; 1/2/24 Dr. Michelle King, a specialist psychiatrist, expounded on the psychological tribulations cancer patients endure, including grief, depression, and anxiety. ... [Cancer survivors] find themselves on an emotional rollercoaster, oscillating between hope and despair, underlining the necessity for balanced mental health management. Dr. King advocates for early referral to palliative care services, delivering holistic support, symptom relief, and assistance with treatment decisions. Palliative care, designed to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families, is beneficial at any stage of the illness.

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The book "The In-Between: Unforgettable encounters during life's final moments

01/04/24 at 04:00 AM

The book "The In-Between: Unforgettable encounters during life's final momentsHSJ Online, by David Webster; 1/2/24Recently, I received a book from one of my daughters for my birthday, "The In-Between" by Hadley Vlahos, RN. While in Florida for a vacation, I made reading the best-selling book a priority and admittedly cried with each chapter as Hadley shares her personal life mixed in with being a Hospice nurse. Hadley made a statement ... that really struck me, ... “I have learned how important it is to be a human first and an employee second.”

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How to live: What the dying tell us

01/04/24 at 04:00 AM

How to live: What the dying tell usPsychology Today, by Tasha Seiter; 1/2/24Subtitle: The top regrets of the dying and how we can use them to better our lives.Bronnie Ware, a hospice nurse, asked the dying what they regretted most. While it may have been too late for her patients, their answers can tell us about how we should be living while we still have the chance. Here are the top five regrets of the dying, according to her research (both qualitative and quantitative):

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Should patients be allowed to die from anorexia?

01/04/24 at 03:00 AM

Should patients be allowed to die from anorexia?DNYUZ; 1/3/24The doctors told Naomi that she could not leave the hospital. She was lying in a narrow bed at Denver Health Medical Center. Someone said something about a judge and a court order. Someone used the phrase “gravely disabled.” Naomi did not think she was gravely disabled. Still, she decided not to fight it. She could deny that she was mentally incompetent — but this would probably just be taken as proof of her mental incompetence. Of her lack of insight. She would, instead, “succumb to it.” [Read more of Naomi's story, followed by this examination of palliative care.]The field of palliative care was developed in the 1960s and ’70s, as a way to minister to dying cancer patients. Palliative care offered “comfort measures,” like symptom management and spiritual guidance, as opposed to curative treatment, for people who were in pain and would never get better. Later, the field expanded beyond oncology and end-of-life care — to reach patients with serious medical illnesses like heart disease, H.I.V. and AIDS, kidney failure, A.L.S. and dementia. Some people who receive palliative care are still fighting their diseases; in these cases, the treatment works to mitigate their suffering. [Read more of this discussion of emerging issue.]

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Palliative Care Consultation and Family-Centered Outcomes in Patients With Unplanned Intensive Care Unit Admissions

12/29/23 at 03:08 AM

Palliative Care Consultation and Family-Centered Outcomes in Patients With Unplanned Intensive Care Unit AdmissionsJournal of Palliative MedicineJamie T Nomitch, 25, 2023Context: Hospitalized patients who experience unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) admissions face significant challenges, and their family members have unique palliative care needs. Objectives: To identify predictors of palliative care consultation among hospitalized patients with unplanned ICU admissions and to examine the association between palliative care consultation and family outcomes.Conclusions: For patients experiencing unplanned ICU admission, palliative care consultation often happened after transfer and was associated with illness severity, comorbid illness, and hospital site. Patient death was associated with family symptoms of psychological distress.

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10 Hospice Professionals Complete Innovative Professional Program

12/27/23 at 03:09 AM

10 Hospice Professionals Complete Innovative Professional ProgramEye on AnnapolisDecember 24, 2023Two social workers, three chaplains and five registered nurses are being celebrated for completing an innovative professional program pioneered by Hospice of the Chesapeake. The Clinical Ladder program, launched in early 2023, recognizes team members for their clinical expertise, professional and educational achievements, and contributions to the hospice team as well as the full organization. 

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The Language of Hospice Can Help Us Get Better at Discussing Death

12/20/23 at 03:09 AM

The Language of Hospice Can Help Us Get Better at Discussing DeathTIMEDecember 18, 2023Just because death is inevitable doesn’t make it easy or natural to talk about. In a new study, researchers wondered if hospice workers—experts in end-of-life care—had lessons to teach the rest of us when it came to speaking with patients and families about death. Daniel Menchik, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Arizona who studies the use of language in different fields of medicine, spent eight months sitting in on team meetings at a hospice care facility that were also open to patients’ families. ... In the study, Menchik noticed that hospice workers used three different types of verbs in meetings with family members: predictive, subjunctive, and imperative. Predictive verbs are used to assert things about the future and include words like “will” and “going to.” Imperative verbs carry a similar firmness, but include a call to action; the most common one Menchik encounters in medical settings is “should.” Subjunctive verbs convey some sort of personal stance when talking about the future. “Think,” “feel,” “want,” and many other expressive phrases fall in this category. When a family starts hospice care, “their capabilities to engage in intense conversations [about death] are usually pretty limited,” Menchik says. But he believes that hospice workers help bridge that gap by minimizing their use of imperative verbs. In meetings he observed, imperative verbs made up just 17% of the verb phrases used by hospice professionals. That’s fairly uncommon in medicine. Editor's Note: Use this article to examine the language used in your team meetings; to strengthen your orientation of employees from non-hospice settings; to engage your admissions nurses in a lively dialogue about its applicability to their experiences with patients and families.

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Can AI Help You Die?

12/19/23 at 03:52 AM

Can AI Help You Die? Doctors in New Jersey are experimenting with software to prompt discussions with patients about palliative or hospice care.BloombergDecember 18, 2023Doctors can be slow to talk about the end of the traditional medical road. When they’ve been trying to manage a life-threatening illness or keep a terminal patient alive, bringing up palliative or hospice care can feel like giving up. But these options can radically improve quality of life, or the end of life, when traditional medicine hasn’t helped enough—if patients and their doctors figure it out in time. ... “When someone is actively declining, you can see it, but being able to predict before that happens is hard.” Can artificial intelligence software do a better job than humans of picking that moment? That’s the idea behind Serious Illness Care Connect, a software tool that about 150 doctors are testing in a pilot program in New Jersey’s largest health-care network, Hackensack Meridian Health. ... The Hackensack Meridian team stresses that the tool isn’t making decisions. “Think of this as a ‘check engine’ light,” says Lauren Koniaris, the chief medical informatics officer at Hackensack Meridian.

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Helping hands in hospice

12/15/23 at 03:19 AM

Helping hands in hospiceC-Ville (Charlottesville, VA)December 13, 2023Charlottesville, VA—It’s a conversation starter you might throw out with a group of friends hanging out at a winery, or after a large informal family supper: “What would you like to do before you die?” The answers are probably interesting, intriguing, even surprising. The discussion could inspire someone in the group to make those dreams happen. But for Beth Eck, director of end-of-life doula services for Hospice of the Piedmont, the real question is: “Have you said what needs to be said?” 

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Awareness, Education Keys to Trauma-Informed Hospice Care

12/09/23 at 04:00 AM

Awareness, Education Keys to Trauma-Informed Hospice CareHospice NewsDecember 7, 2023Having a greater understanding around the impacts of trauma and abuse can help hospices improve end-of-life experiences for patients and working conditions for staff. Training and education are keys to caring for patients and employees with unique needs impacted by trauma and abuse. ... Abuse and trauma experiences impact those delivering and receiving hospice care in many ways, some evident and some less apparent, according to Carole Fisher, president, National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation. ... "The impacts of trauma and abuse are important to include in staff training and education, as well as patient care delivery approaches and employee policies," Fisher stated. ... "Trauma-informed care involves having a complete understanding of a person’s overall life experiences and orienting health services toward healing," according to Lara McKinnis, professional development specialist at Teleios Collaborative Network.

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