Fix needed now—America’s long-term care financing system is broken

12/13/23 at 03:33 AM

Fix needed now—America’s long-term care financing system is broken
By Katie Smith Sloan
The Hill
December 11, 2023
Nonprofit providers of aging services have been warning for decades that America’s system for financing long-term care is dangerously broken. The dedicated professionals serving older adults in nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice programs, and senior living communities have toiled side-by-side with families across the country to cobble together care and services for parents, friends, and neighbors—connecting the tattered pieces of our patchwork long-term care system in an effort to ensure dignity, comfort and independence as the needs of our loved ones change. The New York Times KFF Health News’ series “Dying Broke” aptly illustrates the impact of the United States’ insufficient approach to financing of long-term services and supports. It’s an important and unflinching look at how our country is failing us. ... We can do better. A comprehensive and equitable long-term care financing system would make all the difference. The longer lives that many Americans will enjoy offers enormous potential for our nation. We must seize this opportunity and ensure that potential isn’t squelched by an oppressive and unfair long-term care financing system. The solutions are complicated—but smart approaches abound. The variable is political will. ... I urge our leaders to listen to the voices of their constituents, and join us in creating solutions. All of our futures depend on it.

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