Hospices face ‘existential threat’ amid budget fears

12/13/23 at 03:46 AM

Hospices face ‘existential threat’ amid budget fears
December 11, 2023
Hospices in the north of England face an “existential threat” due to a “funding crisis”, according to a hospice leader. Paul Marriott, chair of Hospices North East and North Cumbria, said all of its members were running budget deficits. He warned hospices may have to make staffing cuts without more funding. ... Hospices receive most of their funding from charitable donations, but get some some from the NHS [National Health Service] too. The average adult hospice receives about a third of its income from the NHS, according to charity Hospice UK. Paul Marriott said all members of the Hospices North East and North Cumbria group were running budget deficits. ... He said: “I do think it is an existential threat. Every hospice is drawing on reserves currently and that’s not sustainable.” Hospices could close or make serious staffing cuts next financial year without more funding, he added.

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