Palliative Care News’ Top 5 Stories of 2023

12/08/23 at 03:50 AM

Palliative Care News’ Top 5 Stories of 2023
Palliative Care News
December 6, 2023
A look back at Palliative Care News’ five most-read stories this year paints a picture of trends shaping the serious illness care space. Securing reimbursement—and the promise of value-based contracts—continues to be top of mind for many palliative care providers as they look ahead to 2024. Operators have their eyes on the ever-shifting payment landscape and the headwinds and opportunities that come with it. Meanwhile, more providers are increasingly working to address health disparities among underserved populations in various settings, including prisons and rural areas, among others. But in the midst of this, workforce shortages and clinical capacity issues remain obstacles to palliative care access. The following are the most-read Palliative Care News articles of 2023.

  1. State Palliative Care Laws Impact Where Patients Die (June 14)
  2. ‘It’s Where We’re at Right Now’: US Prison System Struggling to Keep Up with Growing Need for Palliative Care (Aug. 9)
  3. Medicare Advantage Crackdown Could Dampen Palliative Care Growth (May 3)
  4. Palliative Care the Next Generation: How the Service May Grow and Evolve (April 14)
  5. CMMI Deputy Director Ellen Lukens: CMS to Take Multifaceted Approach to Palliative Care (April 21)
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