Health professions students’ reflections about principles of interprofessional collaboration after shadowing interprofessional palliative care rounds
Health professions students’ reflections about principles of interprofessional collaboration after shadowing interprofessional palliative care rounds
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine; Jeannette Kates, PhD, APRN, FPCN; Ceasia Brown, BA; Jenna Campolieto, BA; Maria Brucato, PhD; 10/24
Future healthcare professionals are educated on collaborative practice methods through interventions that may include shadowing. While shadowing allows students to learn from and about other health professions, it often fails to offer an opportunity for the student to work and collaborate with other health professionals. These results suggest that shadowing offers an opportunity to identify and learn interprofessional competencies in interprofessional palliative care curricula, as made evident through student reflection assignments.