From grief to giving: Volunteer Jules Sebek finds her way to Hospice of the Western Reserve

11/29/24 at 03:00 AM

From grief to giving: Volunteer Jules Sebek finds her way to Hospice of the Western Reserve 
The News-Herald, Ohio; by Jean Bonchak; 11/28/24 
After retiring from a lengthy and successful career at a local company, Jules Sebek was inspired by her past positive experiences with Hospice of the Western Reserve to pursue a volunteer position with the agency. ... “I truly get more than I give,” she said. Sebek’s introduction to hospice came about when the agency supported her parents during their end-of-life journeys and also provided care for her husband, who died eight years ago. ... A year after his death, Sebek joined hospice volunteers as a receptionist and found the experience helpful in terms of becoming familiar with the staff and other aspects of the agency. Throughout the years, she has supported a wide range of situations and finds working with married couples particularly relatable because of her own experiences. ... “I can say ‘I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there,’” she said. “If there’s a wedding picture I’ll look at the spouse and ask them to tell me their love story. Their eyes light up.” ... “I’m constantly inspired,” she said. ... Over time she has come to realize that her work with hospice holds significant importance in her life. “I can’t not do it. It’s a calling,” she said.

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