Allostatic load, educational attainment, and risk of cancer mortality among US men

12/14/24 at 03:10 AM

Allostatic load, educational attainment, and risk of cancer mortality among US men
JAMA Network Open; Cynthia Li, BS, MD; Sydney P. Howard, DrPH, MS; Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, MCHES; Sydney Andrzejak, MS; Keon L. Gilbert, DrPH; Keith J. Watts, PhD, MSW; Malcolm S. Bevel, PhD, MSPH; Myles D. Moody, PhD, MA; Marvin E. Langston, PhD; Judah V. Doty, MS; Adetunji T. Toriola, MD, PhD, MPH; Darwin Conwell, MD, MSc; Justin X. Moore, PhD, MPH; 12/24
Social determinants of health, such as income, occupation, and education, can influence cancer disparities in men. Men with limited access to education and income are more likely to have high allostatic load (AL), a measure of cumulative physiologic stress on the body over time. Chronic stress triggers prolonged neuroendocrine responses, resulting in elevated proinflammatory cytokines, catecholamines, and other proteins. This overactivation can lead to physiologic dysregulation and can promote cancer development. The findings indicate that men with lower educational attainment and high AL face up to a 4-fold increased risk of cancer mortality and nearly 70% increased risk of cancer mortality when accounting possible confounders. 

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