Perspectives on telemedicine visits reported by patients with cancer

12/07/24 at 03:30 AM

Perspectives on telemedicine visits reported by patients with cancer
JAMA Network Open; Sahil D. Doshi, MD; Yasin Khadem Charvadeh, PhD; Kenneth Seier, MS; Erin M. Bange, MD, MSCE; Bobby Daly, MD, MBA; Allison Lipitz-Snyderman, PhD; Fernanda C. G. Polubriaginof, MD, PhD; Michael Buckley, MS, MBA; Gilad Kuperman, MD, PhD; Peter D. Stetson, MD, MA; Deb Schrag, MD, MPH; Michael J. Morris, MD; Katherine S. Panageas, DrPH; 11/24
The growing time and cost burdens of cancer care on patients, health care professionals, and systems has led to a focus on optimizing accessibility and value. In this survey study of perspectives on telemedicine visits, a large majority of patients at a comprehensive cancer center expressed satisfaction with telemedicine visits in proportions that remained consistent beyond the end of the pandemic. These findings challenge health care systems to integrate telemedicine into routine cancer care and to overcome remaining technical challenges and barriers to ease of use.

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