Scaling palliative care requires adherence to best practices

02/16/24 at 02:15 AM

Scaling palliative care requires adherence to best practices
AJMC, by Tina Basenese, MA, APN, ACHPN; 2/14/24
An important milestone came January 1, 2024, when a new add-on code [G2211] took effect for reimbursement for complex Medicare patient visits, including palliative care. ... Having patients map out their wishes through advance directives is an important metric, but it’s not the goal of palliative care, nor is it the only way to measure whether a program works. Rather, comprehensive palliative care must be truly patient centered. This requires building trust and training palliative care specialists in a manner similar to other subspecialties to create and scale processes that are infused with a culture of communication.

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