Transforming value-based dementia care—Implications for the GUIDE Model

02/07/24 at 04:00 AM

Transforming value-based dementia care—Implications for the GUIDE Model
JAMA Intern. Med; by Tarun Ramesh; Kushal Kadakia, MSLidia Moura, MD, MPH, PhD; 2/5/24
Dementia disproportionately affects older adults and represents an increasingly difficult population health and financial challenge for Medicare. Annual spending for Medicare beneficiaries with dementia is approximately 3 times higher than that for patients without dementia, with excess costs attributable to substantial fragmentation across the care journey. Patients with dementia experience polypharmacy and frequent hospitalizations and require careful coordination across multiple specialty health care professionals with support from unpaid caregivers. However, traditional fee-for-service (FFS) payment models may not adequately support costly medical and social needs for patients with dementia and their unpaid caregivers.
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