Hospice nurse plays instrumental role in patient’s joy

03/29/24 at 02:00 AM

Hospice nurse plays instrumental role in patient’s joy
City Sun Times, by Lin Sue Flood; 3/27/24
You see it at every symphony performance - people so enraptured by the music that their eyes close and their fingers dance in the air. Stuart Brown is one of those people. But as illness began to limit his mobility, the 81-year-old relinquished the thought of ever attending a live concert again. That’s when his Hospice of the Valley nurse secretly reached out to the Phoenix Symphony with a request to hold a small private concert in his Scottsdale home. “We absolutely can make this happen for him and his family,“ said Valerie Bontrager, director of community engagement. 
Editor's Note: Need some inspiration? Read this heart-warming story.

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