VR off a smartphone? Tech breakthrough could allow seniors to do away with clunky headsets

04/17/24 at 03:00 AM

VR off a smartphone? Tech breakthrough could allow seniors to do away with clunky headsets 
McKnights Senior Living, by Aaron Dorman; 4/11/24 
Virtual reality is becoming more and more popular among older adults. Could the next innovation allow them to experience VR from their smartphone? A full-color, three-dimensional display can be generated off of a smartphone screen, according to new research. Such a breakthrough would make it even easier, and cost-effective, for senior living providers to offer VR and augmented reality content for residents or allow for new telehealth opportunities. The technology would involve only a smartphone screen and a second screen called a “spatial light modulator” to create the multi-layered image.
Editor's Note: On 2/23/24 we posted "We gave palliative care patients VR therapy. More than 50% said it helped reduce pain and depression symptoms."

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