Debates begin in the Assembly on the “end of life” bill; Catherine Vautrin calls for a “spirit of humanity, listening and respect”

04/24/24 at 03:00 AM

Debates begin in the Assembly on the “end of life” bill; Catherine Vautrin calls for a “spirit of humanity, listening and respect”
Times.News - France; The Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautrin, and the president of the special commission, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, on April 22 at the Assembly; 4/22/24
At the opening of the work of the special committee of the National Assembly, ... on the “end of life” bill, the Minister of Health, Catherine Vautrin, called on the deputies to have a parliamentary debate which takes place in “a spirit of humanity, listening and respect.” ... At the heart of the questions is the fact of offering certain patients the means of committing suicide ... This “assisted dying” will be reserved for adult patients, born in France or residing in the country for a long time, and able to clearly express their wishes. ... “I have heard fears to which I hope we can respond point by point, a strong demand for clarity and precision, an expectation of vigilance with regard to the sensitivity of the subject”, assured Ms. Vautrin. ... Hoping for a debate full of “humility, seriousness and respect for all convictions” ... [From MP Carline Fiat,] “We can disagree but we have to be careful with the words we say,” she told the deputies present in this committee.
Editor's Note: May we--in the United States--learn from this French leadership. Each day, dozens of inflammatory, one-sided articles appear in the newsfeeds we use for this newsletter. We seek to select and post factual, informative articles about Medical Aid in Dying (aka "assisted suicide") that foster "a debate full of humility, seriousness and respect for all convictions" and "a spirit of humanity, listening and respect."

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