Palliative care nursing: Podcast with Betty Ferrell about ELNEC

04/29/24 at 03:00 AM

Palliative care nursing: Podcast with Betty Ferrell about ELNEC
GeriPal Podcast; by Alex Smith, Eric Widera, and Betty Ferrell; 4/26/24
As Betty Ferrell says on our podcast today, nurses play an essential role in care of people with serious illness. Who spends the most time with the patient in the infusion center? Doing home care? Hospice visits? In the ICU at the bedside? Nurses. ELNEC (End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium) celebrates it’s 25th anniversary in 2025. We talk today with Betty Ferrell, who has been a nurse for 47 years, and is the founder and PI of ELNEC.

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