Integration of palliative care across the spectrum of heart failure care and therapies: considerations, contemporary data, and challenges

04/05/24 at 03:00 AM

Integration of palliative care across the spectrum of heart failure care and therapies: considerations, contemporary data, and challenges
Current Opinion in Cardiology, by Sarah Chuzi and Katharine Manning; online ahead of May 1, 2024 print
Recent findings: Patients with chronic heart failure [HF], as well as those who are being evaluated for or who have undergone advanced HF surgical therapies such as left ventricular assist device or heart transplantation, have a number of palliative care [PC] needs, including decision-making, symptoms and quality of life, caregiver support, and end-of-life care. ... PC skills and teams may also help address preparedness planning, adverse events, and psychosocial barriers in patients who have had HF surgeries, but more data are needed to determine association with outcomes.

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