In the spirit of Ramadan: Diverse access to palliative care

04/08/24 at 03:00 AM

In the spirit of Ramadan: Diverse access to palliative care 
Medscape UK, by Dr. Mohammed Sattar; 4/4/24 
St. Gemma’s Hospice hosted their first ever Ramadan community iftar in Moortown, Leeds on March 19, with almost 100 guests in attendance. For me, this was a historic moment. This iftar was about creating a sense of community. ... [I've] seen the visionary leadership that is provided by St. Gemma’s senior team, ... taking careful consideration of what hospice and palliative care services should look like in an ever-changing Leeds population. The team members ask themselves some difficult questions about how to become an inclusive service for all and no faiths. The iftar, the sunset meal when Muslims break their daily fast, was a testament to that. ...

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