Five lessons I have learned in my first year as a hospice CEO

05/01/24 at 03:00 AM

Five lessons I have learned in my first year as a hospice CEO 
Sussex World, UK; by Jasmine Cotton; 4/29/24
We spoke to Lois Howell, Chief Executive Officer at St Wilfrid's Hospice in Chichester, about the top five lessons she has learnt in her first year as a hospice CEO. ... "I started my role as Chief Executive Officer at St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Chichester on March 27, 2023. Prior to this, I worked as the Director of Governance and Risk at the NHS Trust on the Isle of Wight ... These are five things I have learnt in my first year as CEO of a local hospice, ...

  1. People don’t realise how much they value hospice care until they need it. ...
  2. Charity retail is amazing! ...
  3. As a local hospice we should be a good neighbor in the community ...
  4. We couldn’t run our services without volunteers ...
  5. Our expert care is excellent, and it shouldn’t be overshadowed by the fabulous stuff ...
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